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Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!

"Hello, Tena." Kyle said, giving me one of his sadist smiles. "It's been a while, my kitten. Why won't you come back with me peacefully and your friend will live?" He smirks and turned his head towards Bri. "Oh how sad, you abandoned your mission, but you won't die, yet."

I grit my teeth together as Kyle's gaze landed on me. "Ah, I don't like your disguise." he frowns and took a step forward which caused me to take a step back. "You should wear your old uniform...you look HOT in it."

"Fuck off," I snapped which caused him to narrow his eyes at me. "If you think I won't put up a fight, you're wrong."

"Oh my," He placed a hand on his chin. "Do you really think I didn't remember? How awful, it's been months since we've last seen each other. Now, come with me and your friend lives."

This lunatic.

I chuckled. "Say, how many people do you have over there? Thirty? Forty?"

He tilt his head. "And why would you wanna know?"

A smile spread across my face. "If you don't remember, I was one of the top assassin at your place. And now, I'll just have to get rid of you and those people behind you." I spoke confidently.

"My, my, but remember, I'm stronger than you." he lungs for me making me screech and dodge. He growls angrily and takes out a needle. "Be a good girl and c'mere."

He seriously had to use that technique. I dodged quickly, grabbing Bri as he tried to poke me with the needle again and again.

"Dammit stop being stubborn." He snarled. Guess this guy is already loosing his patience. Suddenly out of no where, two people jump in front of Kyle and the others, threatening to kill them in a flash. The two mysterious people turned making my eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Yo, why y'all run off without telling us?" Colton questions, rolling his shoulders backwards. "YAH, who are these people?"

"They're the enemies, dumbo." Ashton said, rolling his eyes and turned his head towards me. "Go, bring that girl to safety. We can deal with these little marshmallows."

"WHO YOU CALLING MARSHMALLOW?" someone from the crowd yells.

I look at Ashton and Colton thankfully as they nod their head at me, indicating that I should hurry up before more guards come. I dragged Bri all the way with me towards my house and climbed up the wall. Once we got in through the window, I quickly secured the window and sat on the floor while Bri sits in front of me, still shocked at what had happened earlier.

"He's gonna kill me." Bri stated. "He's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me like all his enemies. I don't wanna die like them. I hate him. Kill him, kill him—"

"Bri!" I shook her shoulders making her snap out of what she was doing. She suddenly faints making me sigh loudly and carrying her to a guest room.

I walked down the stairs and spot June along with Henry and Sai there. They've must of heard my footsteps cause June came charging towards me and stopped by 30inches away.

"Is Bri alright? Where is she?" he asks.

"Yes, Bri is alright but she fainted so I brought her into a guest room. It's with the door that is colored green." As soon as I said that he ran up the stairs.

I walked towards Sai and Henry, grabbing the kit along the way. "Is he showing any weird signs?" I asked Sai and he shook his head. "Can you nurse him?" He nods his head and grabbed the kit, making Henry laid down on the couch.

I walked towards my screen and located Ashton and Colton. They're still fighting, good, that means that I can fight Kyle. I ran up to my room and took off my disguise. Opening the closet, I chose a leather jacket, black leggings, black boots, and a grey beanie. I opened a drawer and grabbed a bag that was full of heavy knives.

Game on.

"Mother f*cker!" Ashton pinch his nose, dodging a knife. "Y'all breath stinks."

I snorted, trying to locate where Kyle is. He didn't seem to be outside, so I might as well find him inside. I ran behind the bushes till it led me towards a door and kicked it opened, showing Kyle in there sitting a chair.

"My, my, you came back for me." he smirked. "Come, sit on my lap."

I gave him a disgusted look and lung at him which he dodges. "Ah, you came back looking like yourself. Lovely." he dodges another one of my knife and laughed. "Oh, boy, I feel like flappy bird."

I kicked him towards the wall making him spit out blood. Walking up towards him, I grabbed a gun out and pointed it towards him.

"Bye bye."

He laughed which made me narrow my eyes at him. "Oh, don't you wanna know how your parents die? You wouldn't kill someone if they have answers about your parents, don't ya?" He taunted. "C'mon, why aren't you shooting? My, my, did my kitten grew fond of pretending to be a nerd? Come, hug me."

"Like I would." I spat and pointed the gun at him again. "Believe me, I didn't want to do this but you left me no choice." as I was about to pull the trigger a voice yelled outside of the building.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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