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"Fucking hell." I cursed, glaring at him with hatred. I mean, who would have thought it was him all along? "Henry."

"That's me." he smiled, flashing his yellow stained teeth. "Although, I must admit, you're smarter than I'd think you would be. So congrats."

I growled in anger, mentally face palming myself for not realizing anything. When I looked back up, Henry winked at me causing me to raise my eyebrows in confusion. The door opened and the sound of footsteps echoed around the room. Henry stepped back, making room for whoever that person is.

The footsteps stopped which made me look up. Him?

"DN?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He smirked before signaling Henry to leave. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

He laughed, a victory laugh. "Oh, Tena, such a beautiful creature. It's heartbreaking to know that you'll be shipped off next week."

"What do you mean?"

He laughed again. "Do you not understand? I used Henry to get you to come here--and look at where you're at now. Behind the bars." He said mockingly.

"Why are you doing this?" I said, frustrated with his behavior. "Garret wouldn't of like this."

He kicked the bars making me flinched. Words cannot describe how angry he is. His face is pressed against the bars, his hands is gripping them, it's like he's loosing his mind.

"Don't you dare utter is name." he growled. "And that's none of your business." he turned around and walked out. "Enjoy your life."


"What was that all about?" Sai questioned, brushing off the dust on his pants. "Isn't he like suppose to be your friend?"

I shrugged. "Who knows, for all I know, he's gone mad."

He nodded and brought his knees up to his chest. "I hope someone would come and help us, but no one knew where we went."

I sighed. "Yeah." My eyes starts to search around the room, finding nothing to be helpful.

"Do you not remember?" Sai asks out of nowhere. I gave him a confused look and he must have noticed that. "Do you not remember me?"

I raised my eyebrow at him. "I don't know what you're talking about." I told him truthfully. "But now that I think about it, you do kind of look familiar."

"I was the boy whom always took care of the garden, back in the mansion and Kyle always got angry at us for talking to each other, do you remember?"

"Uhm, I'll try to remember." I said and closed my eyes, awaiting for my memories to come back.


"Did you know?" the boy asks, handing me a flower which I gladly accept. "That Master Kyle dragged me here?"

I looked at him, "Well, he had dragged more than 1,000 and threatened more than a million." I said, looking down at the flower. "I honestly don't remember how I got here in the first place."

The boy laughed, trimming the leaves. "The only person whom he didn't threatened and dragged is June." he said, shrugging his shoulders. "And maybe you, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have gone willingly, maybe he drugged you or secretly loves you, who knows, you can never be able to guess his feelings with that expressionless face of his."

I laughed and slapped his shoulder playfully. "I haven't gotten you're name."

"Venece Sai Portco."

"That's a really nice name," I commented, flicking my tongue. "I'll call you Sai." He grinned at his new. "And I'm Agent Ninety Fi—"

Sai waved his hand in the air. "I already knew that." He stopped trimming and looked up. "You know, it's kind of stupid how Master Kyle gives everyone he thinks is useful a number."

"I know." I sighed. "It's quite annoying, too."

He laughed but stopped and looked at something behind me. Curious, I turned around and saw a angry face. Gulping nervously, I hid behind Sai, noticing that his whole body tensed up.

"What are you two doing?" Kyle asks angrily, charging towards us. "Why the hell are you two together?" he raised his voice. "You," he points at me. "Stay away from him."

*End of Flashback*


He nodded his head and smiled. "I'm glad you remember me."

I nodded my head back at him, not knowing what to say. The door slams open and in comes charging with two people with masks.

"Dammit! Where did they hide the freaking key?" the familiar female voice exclaims. "What? Did they use their asses to lock the cell?"

The other person snorts and put their hands on their hips. "Let the master do this."

They jammed the lock until it fell to the ground. I raised my eyebrow at them. "Bri, June? How did you find us?"

"Wooow, I don't know." June says sarcastically which earns him a slap on the head from Bri. Bri opened the door and helps me stand up, looking at Sai then at June. "That lunatic told us where you guys were, and here, here's your book." she tells and handed me my spy book.

"Thanks and wait, Henry told you where we were?" I looked at her weirdly. She replied with a hum. So wait, was that the reason why he winked at me earlier?

"Dang, Sai, you weigh so heavy." June grunts, helping Sai up. "C'mon, let's go–"

"Not so fast." a voice said. "Y'all staying where you are."

Ah heck no.

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