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Credits to ThePatronusWriter for a splendid cover!

Three |EDITED|

"The Darkness Gang?" Conner repeated, squinting his eyes at the screen. "Those fucking idiots, were they the one who killed him?" His eyes gazed up in anger, pointing all the blame towards me. No, some other gang killed him. How did I know? I guessed.

"Maybe it was Henry who killed Garret." I thought to myself. "Garret gave the mission to Henry the day he died. Henry belongs in another gang but entrusted The Shadows or another gang the USB. A few days later he disappeared. A few days later I found it in my mailbox. This doesn't make any sense."

"Hey, what are you thinking?" asked Conner, snapping his fingers at me. "You seem to know something, spill it out."

"How can I possibly know stuff about gangs? I mean I am a nerd, doesn't actually mean I'm a know-it-all."

He groaned and watched Ashton scroll down through the files. DN stood there furiously while clenching his fist, his eyes darkening each time the screen changes.

I sighed, bored to death. I opened my book and began hacking into Garret's account on some website. Seeing that he has 59 messages, I didn't even bother to touch it yet. While I was scrolling down through his page, my eyes stops shortly at a picture.

A picture of me? What the freaking hell?

I was angry and confused at the same time

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I was angry and confused at the same time. First of all, how the hell did he get a photo taken of me? Second, why tell that I'm a hacker? Is that why gangs are after me because I was one of the best hacker alive?

I mentally face-palm.

Frustrated, I clicked on his status and my eyes widened when I read the BIG BOLD words: King of Gangs. King of Gangs? What in the hell is that? I felt a pair of eyes staring at me and closed my book casually, looking up.

Ashton sat there carelessly, giving me a questioning look. My eyes move towards Conner, looking at the corner of his hands. Stained blood. I turned my heads to look at DN but notice that he was missing.

"What's with DN?" I decided to ask, knowing that it wasn't my business but asked anyways.

"Tena, I don't see how this is any of your concern–"

"He was close with Garret." Ashton interrupted, his eyes never leaving mines. "When he found out he was killed, he didn't show any emotion but deep down, I know he's hurting."

My heart aches for him. "That's..sad." I said. "So, what's the mission on?"

Ashton went back towards the computer and zoomed in. "It says, find ML and ask her for help. Kill The Darkness Gang, and make it bloody."

That's weird. When I checked it weeks ago, the mission was different. What the hell? Someone must have changed it, but who?

Conner snaps his finger at my direction causing me to look up. For some reason, I had this feeling that he's suspicious of me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? And by the way, why am I still here? Can I go home now?"

Before Conner can utter a word, DN barges into the room leaving no room for any other answers.

"She's staying with us."

My eyes zero in at him.

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