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Minutes had passed and the only thing you could hear were our breathings. My eyes wander towards my book as I debated on leaving or staying.

"What?" Ashton asked, clearly caught off guard by DN's outburst. "Why?"

DN doesn't reply as he turned back around and walked out, leaving all of us confused on what was going through his mind. I turned my head towards my book and debated again. I really don't like staying here, but Garret has a mission that somehow has me in it, and I still wonder who changed the mission. The mission before was more detailed.

Hold up, I might have screenshot it. I walked over to another couch which shields me from anyone view and opened the book. Logging out of Garret's account, I logged onto my own.

I hesitantly scroll down through my pictures till I found what I was looking for.

Mission ~ Find the The Darkness Gang leader's son and bring him to the cells. Question him carefully and slowly, if he seems suspicious, do not hesitate to give him a punishment. Find a hacker to hack into his accounts and look through his messages. Kill him in front of Dane.

Dane? Whose Dane?

I closed my book and sat up, peeking through the couches. Ashton and Conner had left already, so I decided to make a escape. But my eyes stops shortly on what was on the table.

Strawberry Smoothie.

I tip-toe towards it as I examine it. Should I drink it or should I not? They could have poisoned or drugged it. I examine it closely this time and began picking out an imaginary flower.

Poison? Not poison. Drugged? Not drugged. Poison? Not poison. Drink? Don't drink it. Drink? Don't drink it. Drink–

My throats aches so I decided on my answer. Drink it, it's not poisoned. My hand reaches towards the smoothie as I gulped it down. My head begins to spin as my eyes squint at the smoothie.

It was drugged.


"Why does she always carry this big book around?" Conner asked. "It literally have all blank pages unless if it's a secret diary!"

"Conner, if it's a secret diary then why doesn't it say it on the cover?" I heard Ashton asked. "And she's a nerd, what do you expect nerds to carry around most of the time? Food?"

"Are you stupid?" Conner asked. "A freaking secret diary doesn't have to display the words 'Diary, do not touch' or whatever. And yea, she does carry food around like the strawberry smoothie–oh snap don't give me that look."

"Are you stupid?" Ashton mocked. "A secret diary has a frigging key to open it. See? No key. So it's definitely not a secret diary and oh my god. A strawberry smoothie isn't a food!"

I'm actually surprised. I actually haven't heard Ashton talk this much. I guess he has to be used to having someone around till he feels comfortable and shows his talkative side. By the way, how come I can't open my eyes? What is on my eyes? I wiggled around.

"Likely the–oh Tena you're awake! Hold on, I'll take the things off your eyes."

I felt something lifted off my eye as I opened them and sat up. My eyes narrowed at Conner for him drugging the drink. What was that for anyways?

Conner coughed. "You're staying and helping us to find ML while one of us spies on The Darkness Gang." he explained briefly. "If there's something wrong, call this number." he hands me a piece of paper as I stared at him, cluelessly.

"How the hell do you expect me to find ML when she's a hacker?" I asked smugly. "For all I know, you guys don't even know where to start so why bother asking me for help? I'm no use."

"You're right."

"I know I am."

"But," he turned around. "You'll go to the school and check the people whose in The Darkness Gang. No one will suspect you."

"And what if they do?"

He turns back around as Ashton sits there quietly, tapping his finger against the desk.

"You'll get out of it, I promise."

I snorted. "And what will you do?"

"We'll find another hacker." Ashton answers. "One of the lower rank hackers. Most of them are extremely hard to find, so I'd figure we'll just find the lower hackers first before figuring out where the higher ones are."

"What about DN?"

Conner and Ashton looked at each other. "He'll work with you."

Ah hell no.

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