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"June," I said, hiding behind a tree. I pressed my phone closer to my ear. "June!" The call ended without him replying as I sighed before stuffing it into my butt pocket.

I crawled towards the shop and opened the door as quietly as I can. But, yea, that bell on the door just had to make a loud noise. Great.

"Hello?" I said, trying to find the light to switch. Cursing at myself, I finally found it and flipped it on. "Bri? June?" I sighed in annoyance and was about to turn but a pair of hands gripped my shoulders, making me stay put in the spot.

"Hello, we meet again."

"What the hell do you want, Henry?" I snapped, struggling against his hold. "Where's Bri and June?"

He laughed. "Oh, haven't you checked the ceiling yet?"

What on earth is he talking about? I looked up and a gasp left my mouth. Bri and June is strapped up there with dead mouses. My goodness, what in earth is going on?

"What the hell are you up to now?" I sneered.

"I'm glad you asked. You see, I need you to track down Dane for me." he said.

"Who the hell is Dane?" I raised my eyebrow at him which he just shrug his shoulder.

"Just search him up using your thingy, whatever you use." he said. "And don't tell anyone about this, this stays between us or else I'll tell Kyle where you are." he threatens.

"But Bri and June listened to this conversation, how is this going to stay between both of us?" I point out. "Besides, before I even agree to this, can you unstrap both of them and let them down? They look like they'll vomit any second."

"Now search up Dane," he ordered once we had got into my house. I rolled my eyes and typed in Dane on my machine, showing multiple of people with that name. In the corner of my eyes, I see June sniffing my clothes which I soon grabbed the nearest thing—an eraser, and threw it at him making him drop my clothes to the ground.

"Found him!" Henry says excitedly as he clicked on someone. "Him! I need you to track him down–"

"But for what reasons do you need Tena to help you track him down?" Bri questioned, arching an eyebrow at him. "This can be a trap, you can be a trap!"

"You dare accuse me of such thing?!" he stood up angrily. "How dare you! Show some respect to me, kiddo."

"I'll show you respect when I bloody want to!" They were now an inch away from each other.

"Guys, stop, I don't need you guys fighting in my house. Now please, sit down. And Henry, you should tell us what's the reason for you wanting to track this guy down." I said politely.

Bri smirks at him as he gave her the finger. Real immature.

"Well, he killed my fiancé, so I'm planning to kill him once I find him." he explains. "I have no idea why he did it, but i want REVENGE."

"Uh," June started. "I'm sorry to say this, but your reasoning doesn't sound...reasonable?"

"Fuck you, dicktwat." Henry rages.

I rolled my eyes at them as I looked at the screen. He seems to be about the same age as Bri. Dane Duky. Ah. I saved an image of him and launched a tracking program.

"Near The Darkness Gang's property, Lakewood."

Henry jumps out of the window as soon as I had said that, charging towards a car and getting in.

"El Es loco." Bri muttered. "Loco y feo."

"Sí." June nodded. "El Es gordo."

I rolled my eyes, turning back to the screen. An emergency thing pop up making me click on it. Ah hell no. Ashton and Colton found an hacker whose been trying to hack where I live. Oh jeez. Another emergency message pop up and I clicked on it again, showing someone climbing up towards my window.

Oh Jesus.

A/N~ Happy 2017 and New Year! Hope you have a wonderful year😁✌🏻!

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