The Combo Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A lone light bulb hung from the ceiling, casually flickering. My tounge felt thick and Heavy in my sand paper dry mouth. The thick ropes grazed and assaulted my skin.

"Ah, you are awake" the light flickered of before I could catch sight of the face  the voice belonged to. The light filled the room once again, three feet in front of me stood a lone man. He stood with a white Cain and dark glasses he was quiet obviously blind but he moved with a gracefullyness that could only be achieved by somebody who was extremely at tune with his surroundings.

"I am Dean, but you can call me sir for now"  he tapped me with his cane. "I suppose you are wondering who I am and what your doing here tied up. Well I will tell you now, I am your New alpha And yes I'm blind I donated my body to science. Expect it was against my will. But first Let me ask you do you  love your family?" his face was slightly turned in the opposite direction. My alpha? of course I love my family, what sort of question is that? His cane came down hard on my leg "answer me!"

"yes I do sir" my voice came out a whisper but it would seem he had no problem hearing me as a wicked smile spread across his face,

"ah yes, well it's a good job you are here then" his smile widened and his face turned to look straight at me "left untrained you would have slaughtered the lot of them, abit like a Fox in a chicken coop" he took his glasses of. The only sound audible was the gasp that escaped my mouth. His eyes were thick with scars around them and red ringed his white pupil. "and probably the scariest thing, the trinity project, mad scientists. testing on Our kind and anyother they get their hands on. And this Is what they do" his hand brushed the scars and and burns around his eyes. I could only imagine the pain. " I will send Kyle down, he will force your turn" he turned away scanning the ground with his cane.

"wait! I'm not like you I don't know what you are or think you are but I'm not that!"

"Oh well time will till"

It didn't take long for 'Kyle' to come down. As he stepped into the pool of light that the pitiful bulb gave of he had a evil glint in his eyes.

"are you Kyle?" I asked trying to break the ice a little.

"yes and do you need anything before we get started?" his voice sounded sickly sweet and was laced with venom. How could someone I've just met be so horrible? "well do you?"

"a drink please"

he pulled out his phone and tapped away. About two minutes later mark came to bring me a glass of water. I had always hated people who palmed things onto others. The water felt like relieving ice on a sore throat. Mark turned to leave but Kyle grabbed him and twisted his arm at a strange Angle. I couldn't help but notice the two looked alot a like, but at the same time nothing a like.

"oww what are you doing?!" exclaimed Mark with a twisted mask of pain plastered on his face

"don't walk away from me, Mark" as Kyle held Mark at bay a look of pure joy passed over his features "now you will watch me force her to turn as punishment"

"let him go!" all eyes turned to me and for a second I didn't realize that I had said it out loud. Kyle shoved Mark to the ground making sure to kick him as he stepped over him. His foot steps sounded loud on the cement flooring as he walked past me to the back of the basement.

"I'm going to make sure this hurts" he said under his breath. I looked down and marks eyes were changing! I swear they were blue a second ago I thought in horror looking at his gold eyes. Mark propped himself against the stairs holding his arm against his chest. Something creecked open soundling like something from a horror movie that I watched once and I prayed Kyle didn't have a chain saw. Kyle strode back into my eye sight and stopped in front of me. He held a long needle with a blackish liquid inside it.

"This is deans blood, the alpha, it is necessary for you to be able to shift" Kyle said like a surgeon explaining his course of action, like all this like it was perfectly normal to hold a syringe of a blind man's blood in front of somebody you have never met before ready to inject them. Then again to these lunatics it probably was. "Now when I inject you it is important that you stay awake and don't fight whatever you feel you have to do, ok?" Kyle looked at the blood mystified, like he was looking at gold.

"you can't inject me with that! I could get aids or anything!" I said struggling against my bonds. The thought of having somebody's Blood pulsing around my body gave me confidence to speak. Mark and Kyle looked genuinely amused by my outburst but non-the less deterred.

"yes you are right it could be dangerous but I can assure you if it went bad you would be dead long before aids could produce in your body" Kyle looked slightly impatient and I was debating weather or not to distract him more. "Mark get over here and hold her neck, I need a clear access point" Mark got up, his limp arm dangling like a dead piece of meat. As he crossed the space his arm jerked, and for a second he came to a stand still. After a second he righted himself and grasped my head turning me head to the side. Kyle brought the needle down close to me skin and I felt the tip prodding me. Kyle buried the needle down to the hilt in my neck. He slowly pumped the shadowy liquid, thick as oil, into me. As he started to with draw the needle I felt something cross over me. Hunger. Anger. Fear.

The pain was agonizing! Is it possible to feel like something is tearing you apart from the inside out? A pain so intense you feel every bone in your body breaking to form something new, something different. Your humanity slowly diluted until only the raw animalistic parts are left. And then everything stops  and the colour drains from the world like somebody pulling the plug. I can hear the steady heart beat of the monster who did this to me. The anger emitting from Mark as his golden eyes pierced me. The taste of my own sweat tinged my tounge. The sand paper ropes broke somewhere in the change and now my dark nails scraped against the concrete floor.

"The first change is always the worst" announced Mark  tryin to comfort me I think. His voice sounded strange like listening to a French man try speak English. somewhere I New what he was saying but I felt like I was decoding a

message.  Kyle walked towards me and looked me in the eye. His voice sounded mocking "do you know what you are?" he asked a smirk splitting his face like the Cheshire Cat. Of course I know what I am! I'm not delusional, unlike these lunatics! He chuckled and strutted away. He walked to the far side of the basement and grabbed the edge of a white sheet. As he pulled it away a picture fell into my sight, of a massive white wolf. It stood in this same basement and something about it seemed familiar. Kyle laughed loud and it made me wince. It sounded like somebody was banging a drum next to my ear. "that my furry friend is you!" Kyle's eyes turned golden and the bulb flickered of when it had righted itself a huge Graf wolf the size of a bear stood poised in front of me. I backed up a little. Shock fried my brain. Could it be true? Am I one of them. I can't be! It's a dream! it must be. My hind brushed something furry I spun around and without thinking bared my teeth. A brown wolf stood behind me in the dim light. Icy blue eyes downcast. It's him! the last piece of the jig saw fell into place. It wasn't a dream! it was a memory. But how couldn't I remember it? finally the shock caught up to me and I felt dizzy on my new legs. The floor came rushing up to me and I left myself drift into unconsciousness.

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