The Combo part 4

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Chapter 4

Cassie's PROV

"GET THIS BITCH OF ME" erupted from Kyles mouth and I released his limp arm. His blood tasted metallic and warm and it made me want to gag. Whatever was in the needle didn't hang about and I felt my body go limp and start to shift back. "Do you have no control over yourself? do you realise you have just pissed of a reformed serial killer, right?!" screamed Kyle as he loomed over me. As I got to my feet I made sure I never left eye contact and got very close to his face and for the first time I properly looked into his eyes, even though I don't like to admit it he has nice eyes.

"Well now we are even" I said back in a  sarcastic voice. To my surprise he looked confused "the night you and your merry monsters attacked me! And next time if you don't want to get bitten warn me when you are gonna stab me!"

"Oh come on, everyone gets bit it's how the curse is placed" Kyle said exasperated "and it might not of even been me who bit  you"

"whatever, we are even"

"pfft hardly" he growled under his breath.

his smug little face relaxed as his brain moved onto the next topic at hand. "Right if you don't mind I have to get Adam to shift and I need to meet effie" he informed me and silently excusing me from the room.

"I'm staying with Mark,  and who's effie? " I sneered back

"well Mark is staying with me and this is official business, and effie is my girl friend" for the first time since I turned back I looked over at Mark and a young boy who could be no older than ten, but their expression looked pretty normal. OMG as if Kyle is in a relation ship. "What?" he commanded

"Oh nothing I just don't see the attraction" I said acting nonchalant.

"well that's because you haven't slept with me" he snapped back, his lazy grin looked transparent and I new I had hit a nerve. "Anyway goodbye"

"why don't you go to Dean, I'm sure he would like to talk to you" said Mark trying to defuse the situation  "I might catch up with you later". I didn't want to sound like a child but at the same time I really didn't want to go and talk to Dean. If I'm honest he's scary. Kyle huffed showing that he was still here and waiting "Ok  can you go or do you want me to carry you out? like I carried you in" Kyle was defiantly the sort of person who likes to press all the right buttons to get all the right reactions and he got his prize because I made my decision and decided that a chat with Dean was better than having that sleez touching me again.

"Ewww, and I'm going"

"That's not what you were saying before baby" he replied. What? Oh God I'm a really bad sleep talker! can you even talk when you are knocked out? I felt my face light up like a tomato.

"you shouldn't annoy her" mark chastised him when I reached the top of the stairs.

The house was crawling with life. As I worked my way around I realized that it was two houses with choosen walls knocked through. "Hey, are you new or dinner" asked a tall well built blonde haired boy wearing a hoodie and Jeans, he defiantly looked like a pop star with his guitar slung over his shoulder. He was attractive and had amazing green eyes. His friend on the other hand was slightly less appealing. His electric shock of ginger hair stood on end from his scalp and his face was dotted with spots. He looked like he had just come "of the ramps" as the skater boys say and the look really didn't do him any favors.

"I thinks she's dinner" said the ginger with a twisted look on his face. The blonde held up a hand as if to say wait and looked at me expectedly.

"I'm new, and do you know where Dean is?" I asked trying to sound like I New exactly what I'm talking

about, which I don't. A smirk played across the blondes face and he looked me up and down. I wonder what he thought? I must look terrible! my natural platinum hair must look gray due to not being washed and I don't even want to think about trying to brush it, I have no make up on and I'm still in my PJ's. Trust me, the one time I meet a super fit guy I look like a tramp.

"you might want to freshen up, do you know which side you will be on?" he asked me as my eyes fell onto the ginger, I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes. I think he saw my confusion "which side of the "wall""

"Erm no, but I think it's the same side as Mark and Kyle"

"yeah? that's the same as us! oh and I'm Mack and That's my friend Stefan. But I'd watch your tone with him because he's kind in the middle of a psychotic break."  He said laughing. Mack lead me up the stairs. "There isn't enough room on this side so boys and girls share rooms, which means you will be bunking with me, Stefan and Elffie or Mark and Kyle" he opened the bathroom door and made a grand gesture as if welcoming me in "give me a shout when you are done I'm in the next room" he said and winked as he shut the door. I locked it just to be on the safe side I didn't fancy Stefan accidentally walking in . great I will either be sharing with creepy Stefan or damn right scary Kyle. To be honest neither appealed to me much. I showered and washed my hair and when I looked in the mirror I was shocked to see a tattoo on my collar bone. The ink was gold and it only showed when in the light but it looked to be some sort of crescent moon. I stroked the skin and it didn't feel sore or even itchy. I felt a yawn building up in me and I felt awfully tired. I put some borrowed clothes on that Mack left by the door and went to the only empty room I could find on this side and I fell asleep in the first bed I saw.

A cold draft woke me up. As I came to grips with my surrounding I realized that the room I was in had two lots of bunk beds and a balcony. The doors were swung open and the rain and wind bloow in making the curtains dance and whip around. The sheets on the bed smelled fresh but slept in and for the first time since I lay down on it I wondered who's bed it was.


My head spun around so fast it made my eyes blur. I didn't know how long I had been out for but it was light when I fell asleep and now the night had arrived bringing a crescent moon. The sound hummed from the shadows of a corner again, And the sound of sharp claws clicked on the hard wood floor. As my eyed adjusted to the darkness I saw the shape of a wolf and for a second my mind went blank and I forgot everything that happened and ran. I heard the claws clicking on the floor not five feet behind me and I New that the wolf was gonna get a hold of  me. I turned to look at where the wolf was and it was just about to snap my heel when two strong hands grabbed me and dragged me into a room to the side. "what are you doing?" after the fear passed I started to remember where I was and what had happened. Mack stood grasping both of my arms keeping me steady and I was grateful because I didn't trust my legs. Who was that wolf? Why did he chase me? and who's bed did I sleep In? but as I looked at Mack I realized that he might not have the anwsers. "I can't believe you! we thought you ran, Dean wants a meeting now and you had better prove you are worth keeping alive or you will be a fur rug by full moon!"

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