The Combo- part 7

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chapter 7

Cassie's PROV

We talked for hours and they answered all my questions like Will I see my family again? yes

can I just change my last name? yes

is Mack always a using dick?

of course but I need to forgive him

what school will I be starting? Crankston high

But they didn't tell me I would be starting today. It makes sense, being first day of the term and all. But that didn't make me want to go anymore. I so didn't want to be the New girl. I don't think that's a first. But the story was if anybody asked, my family died in a accident and I'm staying with my uncle Dean and his family which includes Mark, Mack, Stefan and some girl called effie.

All my lessons were a breeze so far. I shared two with all my so called family because they are 16 to except Stefan who got kept back a year. And the other three I had with effie and Mack. Mack apologised for selling me out and I forgave him, hey we are family. And to my utter surprise Mack is gay! I totally had him down as a jock guy. Effie turned out to be pretty amazing. I felt like I was back home. Best not to think about home though. So all my lessons were great the teachers were normal I always had people I New and some of effies friends were being nice to me. I walked into Biology core which I needed if I still wanted to go to Stanford university. "Ahh a new student, you must be cassie, take a seat anywhere for now" said a tall man probably in his mid forties. I read his name tag 'Mr Bunn'. I took a seat next to effie because it was her or Stefan and I really got the creeps from him. "Alright everybody welcome to biology! are you all happy with who you are next to? yeah? good. Line up at the back of the classroom you are here to learn not to talk to your pal!" Oh good he was one of those teachers. I thought to myself dreading what was to come. The worst case scenario is a toss up with being with somebody I don't know or being with Stefan. He called out all the names making sure that they were paired boy-girl "Cassie, New girl if your wondering and Mr charming himself, Robert I'm only joking" Mr Bunn said laughing at his own joke. I felt myself literally cringe when he announced I was new girl great now everybody is looking. The so called Mr charming could either be a minger who even the teacher hated which wouldn't be to bad or somebody really hot but hey anyone was better than Stefan. "That desk right there" He said pointing to a front row table.

I stepped out of the line the same time as Robert. Ok wow he was hot. Down side people this hot statistically don't have the brains but hey I'm not judging nature had to put a flaw in somewhere, right? "Ok is that everyone? right now shake hands with your lab partner for this year and introduce yourself. "hi I'm cassie" I said extending my hand. The corners of his mouth tilted up in a half grin. It wasn't a grin of happiness it was a grin of trouble. With a promise.

He didn't anwser me so I lamely took my hand back and looked at the board Mr Bunn was writing on. 'human reproduction' the class went silent and hushed nervous giggles erupted from the back. "Now who dosent know what human reproduction is, ask your partner if your not sure" some people started to whisper but I'm pretty sure it wasn't to find out how to reproduce. "Now for our first experiment I want you all to find out as much about you partner as you can. And I will be quizzing you so don't think of making it up, Now fill out the sheet and I will give you ten minutes for a head start I want at least seven on each list!" he said passing out sheets around the room. I handed one to Robert and began to fill it out. I felt his breath on my neck and when I turned to look he was blatantly copying of me. We, I mean I finished first and got two pieces of lined paper from the front one for me and one for him. I really wanted to do it now so then I would have no homework. I had made the first and second move and I had no respons so now the ball was in his hands. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. His messed up blonde hair looked stylish and really set of his crystal baby blue eyes, his skin was as pale as mine but unlike mine it didn't look sickly. His long sleeved top was rolled up to his elbows and his tight jeans finished the look of. This guy could be a model! I'm not kidding he was like a God. In fact I think if he would be anybody like that it would be Jack frost. He looks a little frosty and he certainly gave me the cold shoulder. I looked up at the clock and let out a irritated sigh, wonderful I'm going to fail and go to Jackson university with one of the lowest success rates ever. I trained my eyes on a not so interesting display board and let the seconds tick by miserabley. The soft scratchy sound of pen on paper drawed my attention to him again. He was writing, about me! we had been sitting together ten minutes and he thought he new me! Well I will teach him, when Mr Bunn asks me I will not go along with this preposterous lie. But after another two minutes curiosity got the wolf "what are you writing?" I asked feeling a little pissed of that he thought I was that easy to understand.

"And she talks" He said in mock seriousness. You know some shallow girls might mistake that as flirting but I'm not one of those girls, I know he was being a jerk. His smooth lazy hand kept scraping paper and I leaned as close as I deared too, in attempt to see what he wrote but the jerk half concealed the list.

"What are you writing?" I demanded feeling a little offended. He could be writing anything! And nobody would know if it's true or not! He took my empty piece which had one word on it "JERK" and crumpled it up and threw it into the bin. I looked after the paper locked in shock and pissed-of-ness. I walked to the front of the room and got yet another sheet of paper I looked at him just as a dark grin slid of his face. "What do you do in your spare time Robert?" I asked trying to take control of the situation. The next grin I got looked like he was daring me to try to get anything out of him.

"call me rob and if only there was such a thing" He said with yet more sarcasm. It was starting to get old. I think he noticed my annoyance and extended his anwser "I like to take photos" he offered and I wrote it down "wait I'm not finished, I have a impressive collection of a interesting wolf pack that lives near by. One wolf in particular, A white, one must be new. Its strange they go In this house that backs onto the woods. But it's what comes out that even weirder... humans. One even looks a lot like you. Do you believe in werewolves? this town does but nobody ever proved it" I was shocked at how dead on he was about the pack. This person knew...knows about us. What is this? Is he threatening me? He hooked his fingers under my chair and pulled me closer. I decided to pretend it didn't bother me but I think we both New he only had to say "boo" and I would run of like a little girl. I decided to change the subject.

"Ok, what about sport? do you play any" I said looking back at the display board. He chuckled and his dark grin reappeared, this guy just didn't want to play ball! "ok I'm assuming this is graded so do me a favor"

"I dont know, favors are gonna cost you" He said. Ok now I'm pretty sure this amazing annoying jerk is flirting with me. Just then the bell went and he scooped up his things and left. "Wait, I'm not finished" I shouted after him. He stopped in the doorway.

"call me" he offered

"I don't have your number" I said. He turned around and grabbed my hand. He pulled his pen out of his pocket and wrote ruffly on my hand his number or at least I thought it was his number. He walked away into the crowd battling to get out, it was the end of the day. Ok now I have decide the worst case scenario was being put with Rob. I reached the doors leading to the car park and I caught sight of him striding to a large group of people. I walked down to where I was supposedly meeting mark. When I got there they were waiting for me. "Have a nice day" Mark asked me.

"Not really, I will tell you about it on the way home"

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