The Combo part 5

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Chapter 5

Cassie's PROV

"yeah I got her, does it matter? look just get everyone back to the house, right see you in a min" Mack hung up his shiney New iPhone and looked at me with a disapproving look on his face. His room wasn't as nice as the room I was in before. It had a nice thick carpet and stylish wall paper on the wall, it had been done up well. Or had been... Now the wall paper had huge claw marks in it that were about two inches wide and the carpet was stained and had pizza boxes littered around. The smell was horrible and I could hardly believe that anybody never mind a girl could live in this dump. "by the way I'm not even gonna tell you who's bed that was, and I don't think you want to know" said Mack in a know it all way that kinda grated on me.

"wow! was it that bad" I asked not letting my annoyance show. Mack just nodded and we both laughed that little seed of pissed-off-Ness had  evaporated leaving only fear behind.

"do you want anything eat?" asked Mack looking shy for the first time since I met him. I looked around at all the boxes and was a little bit disgusted that he would try and give me left overs. Did he want me to get food poisoning?

"erm no I think I will be ok" my voice came out small and I felt stupid for being scared of what was to come. I New that I had a meeting and I New that it was with Dean but I had no Idea what was going to happen. Just as my mind started to run out crazy scenarios of being turned into a frog or something nasty like thatStefan walked in looking very sheepish.

"STEFAN! What did you do! why would you chase her like that? you idiot!" shrilled Mack scaring both me and Stefan. Wait did he say Chase me? So it was this little comedian who thought it would be fun to eat me! "you know when I'm alpha I will let you eat anybody. Apart  from one of us because FYI that's cannibalism!"

"Dude I'm sorry" said Stefan looking at the ground. If I'm honest he did look a bit sorry but I doubt that Mack saw it "she just looked so good and I had to turn I couldn't control it"

"Don't say sorry to me, say it to Dean! it's his girl you tried to kill" said Mack. You what? what about me and my apology? I'm the one that freak almost amputated from the waist down! I thought furiously to myself and just before I could give them both a piece of my mind I heard the back door slam. "thats them, come on" Mack said as he grabbed my wrist as if to stop me running away, which was probably a good idea.

The room I was lead to was a cross between a library and a office. It's was small and I could male out a tree line through the picture fram window. I was a long way from home. Their were no trees like that back in New York. For the first time I wondered where I was. Was I even still in England? Dean Sat in a leather reading chair by the fire with a very annoyed looking Kyle standing behind him looking into the fire. He had a half full whiskey glass and looked to be cancelling his anger. Mack and Stefan came in with me but Dean dismissed Stefan and demanded to see him later. For a long time nobody said anything and we stood in a awkward silence as Dean examined his cane. He took the end of revealing a arrow like end.  Dean slammed the came down with inhuman speed


only I jumped and it was like a signal that the meeting had started, Mack went and took a seat near the door, Kyle turned around to face me. His eyes with like to furious storm clouds and anger radiated from him. His nail had darkened and were sharp like daggers and I new he was trying not to turn. Dean looked up at Kyle with a amused glint in his eye, like he found something about his behavior odd. Kyle didn't notice because he was too occupied staring at me and I was finding it hard to not look at him. "So... where do I start?" Dean asked but I think everyone new he needed no anwser. "So cassie you made it, that's great! only if you hadn't of run away"

Ok now I was confused I didn't go anywhere. Unless Mack told them that he had found me running off. He did seem power hungry, like he would sell anybody out. So why would he have a problem selling somebody he had know minutes? He wouldnt. "No don't speak yet! So you turn and run away with our packs biggest secret. And now I'm thinking that I can't trust you and I certainly can't baby sit you, I'm a busy man. So what do I do?" once again he threw the question out but nobody had a anwser. I could see why this looks bad. I threw a furious look at Mack and he winked at me!  Now it was my turn to feel something bubble up in me. ANGER. He had set me up. For the first time in my whole life I could feel myself loose my grip. I slowly started to slip into a pit of anger, the sort that makes you want to hurt the person who hurt you. My eyes swept across the floor and Dean had tooken his glasses of and his eyes were locked onto me. I shook my head in a futile attempt to regain control but it was no use I was falling and then I felt the pain. That body shattering mind altering pain spread across my body like a tidal wave. For the first time I heard the SNAP-CRACK of my bones breaking and then crunching back into place as something new. I New what had happened and I set my eyes on my goal. MACK! That low life was gonna feel pain. I lowered my head and bared my perfect set of personal daggers and Mack shuddered. "Kyle stop this! how am I supposed to talk to a animal?"

" How is it even when you're a wolf you're the bane of my existence?" Kyle asked as he jumped into his second skin and the wolf erupted standing six feet in front of me. Kyle's eyes change gold, something I was starting to realize meant, ferocious, bitter and outraged. And when you have a sadist standing in front of you they are the sort of things you don't want him to feel. Kyle followed my line of sight to Mack who was now backing away from me and towards Dean and Kyle. Kyle took one giant step and blocked my prize. Now I felt a sting in my eyes like when you dive into a public pool with your eyes open and the chlorine stings and burns your eyes. Who did this guy think he was? "Mack go get a wolfsbane needle from the freezer, Now! and get Mark" Mack darted around Dean and clinged to the wall but I was to fast and as he reached for the door handle I lunged! Aiming for the muscle on his arm. I left the material between my teeth but before I could sink my teeth in I was being dragged back! By my ear! mack screaming in pain and for a second I wondered why, this idiot couldn't seriously be screaming over a  graze. Meanwhile Kyle was trying to get a better grip on me and Mack had got out and slammed the door I managed to get away from Kyle. That hurt more than one of them needles! Kyle was fast to pursuit me and with in seconds he was lunging again. But now Mack was gone I felt my anger drizzle away.  The door opened again and I got ready to attack Mack but it was Mark and before he could assess the situation I was already going for him. He dived into the room landing on all floors and took a step toward me. Kyle came the other way and I backed up some more. when two hands grabbed me. "she a big one, where's Mack with that needle?" asked Dean. something was placed over my eyes and before I New it I heard the door open "ahhh you boy come and inject the poor animal."

"what? I don't thi-"

"Don't question me!" The needle felt think going in and at a weired angle making it hurt. So I did what my instincts told me and I bit the pain.

when I turned back Mack was gone and I was tied to a wooded chair. "that was interesting cassie! enlighten me how meany Times have you shifted?" Dean said running a hand up the length of his cane has he paced back and forth infront of me.

"once" I said. Mark Sat at the table looking threw a book rapidly and Kyle resumed his old position by the fire, with a full whisky glass.

"cassie I will be honest, I was going to execute you but you have just given me something that I want. And besides Mack it a terrible liar. But to be on the safe side I've arranged for you to attend the same school as Mark and Kyle will be you mentor. Now obviously we don't want people asking questions so you will need to choose a new name. I will let you decide and by the way, welcome to the pack"

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