The combo part 8

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chapter 8

Mark's PROV

"ARRGGHH. What has happened to me? I will tell you what! Since the moment cassie walked into my life-"

"wait I thought you broke into her house?!" "Does it matter?" I growled, even to me it sounded harsh "sorry, it's just I had everything under control before her, you know? I was going to find my mate and we were going to take over the pack after Dean and it would be perfect. Until her!" I said scowling at a particular loud woman.

"who" She asked lazily like she didn't want to be here. To be honest I didn't even want to be. "Oh wait, it wouldn't be... what was her name? funny you would think after hearing it a thousand times I would remember it, oh wait I do my bad" she said, each and every word laced with sarcasm.

"Haha" I said dryly "Now everything has change. Why me? why did God choose me to turn my life into a giant stupid cliche werewolf story! She comes and I instantly know shes my... Errrm I don't think mate is the right word... maybe magnet? It like the more I push the harder she comes back and clings to me, the harder she pushes me away the more I want to be around her. And what makes it worse you ask."

"I didn't ask that."

"I have to sleep with her. Not actually with her but above her"  I said letting all myself pitty wash away like the dirty dish water. I stood in the back of 'Frank's bestro' The only Italian joint in town and the only place that highers people under 16. Because of one of its many legendary status it was always packed. And right now was no exception.

"So sounds to me like you are making a big deal out of nothing. And maybe your life has gone all cliche because there's truth in what happens to werewolves" she said trying to reason with my optimistic side. "And anyway why do you want to be alpha? Wayyy to much stress, you would be gray by the time you are 30! Imagine! haha. And  looking in the past isn't going to make you feel better"

"have you being snorting that shit again" I asked her only half joking.

"you know you are staring to turn into your brother, is that what you want" she said neither denying it or admitting it. I shuddered at the thought, Once again the file popped into my head. My file. A little picture of me at the top, My name and all my detail at the side and then stamped across it in dry blood red ink "Sectioned!"

"Shhh don't say that, what are you trying to do? kill me off?" I asked this time I wasn't joking. I must be the only werewolf in history to be scared of something. My sanity!

"The past can be a bigger dick than you mark but you gotta let go. And don't tell my dad about my current state" Kayla said walking out into the sea of people waiting to get a  'Franks two stack pizza!' Kayla is one of Frank's many daughters but unlike the rest she had literally no life expectations. I guess you could say she is a 'live every day like there's a no tomorrow' person but one of the few that I would trust with anything. Partly because she is always high and partly because frank and dean go way back which makes her a Trusted.


Friday night. Biology homework due Monday. And one unsuspecting werewolf. At first I didn't want to do it. But Times are hard. Besides who's going to miss one werewolf? By the looks of it there's about 40 living in that house. My dad will test on her for six months let her go, and if it helps find a cure for the real monster that killed my mum, CANCER, Then  I'm cool with it. My dads a scientist. He works on this thing called the Trinity project where they test on the supernatural to get cures for things like cancer and other illnesses. He told me everything when I was 14 and my mum died. What the project was and if I'm honest I think he could have waited till I was older to introduce me to this world. I would feel bad about them but they heal! They walk out without a scratch on them so why should I care? I'm not the scientist anyway and this way dad will stop nagging me to contribute to the project. Hell if I met my dad when he was my age I would have probably hated him. Or killed him. He's irritating. Obnoxious. Opinionated. Border line crazy. But in the same breath he's my dad. And all that I have left.

My phone buzzed and brought me back from my internal war. One minute I want to help and the next I'm thinking, She just a kid like me and who can I copy of when she's gone. It's crazy! I'm sure there's a rule about putting loads of stress on kids. So people my age don't get so stressed they kill themselves! I bet if I killed myself my dad would use my body for testing or something. My phone buzzed again and I looked at the message.  It read

'hi it's cassie. Call me I need to do my homework and it will take two minutes.'

who does that mutt think she is? part of me like's to annoy her because she hot and it's funny when girls get mad, and the other thinks make that bitch suffer! So I replied


I'm not quiet sure which category it fell into but it felt good. My phone buzzed again and this time she put:


'meet me at the pool hall at 6:30 I'm busy'

I replied knowing this will get her attention. She didn't text back and I went to the pool hall to meet up with kallum. She better come. I thought getting in my car.

Cassie's PROV

I told Kyle and Mark that I needed to go to the pool hall to do some homework, apparently I'm still under strict lock down after my 'run away' when I didn't even run away! riding in a car where Kyle is driving is enough to scare anyone! Mark is coming in with me but keeping his distance.

"you know you don't have to come in with me" I said as Mark got out of the car.

"you think this is what I want to do on Friday night?" Mark asked his piercing blue eyes glowed in the dim light.

"Or me so make it quick! you have five minutes!" Kyle ordered and silenced both of us. " Now mark go in now and cassie hold back for five minutes"

"why?" I asked genuinely confused

"because you want to be fashionably late" he said looking at me like I was a petulant child. Mark walked across the car park and entered the building and for a few seconds there was a awkward silence in the car. "You nervous? It's just homework go in get the anwsers and get out, it's not a date, Ok? oh and don't look anyone in the eye it's a sketchy place" Kyle said. I left the car and fast walked over to the lit up graffiti covered building. As I got closer I could hear some loud bass music and smell cigars. opening the door I was immediately swallowed by the misty air.

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