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Josh was already working on Tyler's present, since it would take him a while. He was painting him a picture of the night sky but it slowly falls down to show a silhouette of two people, one of them had red splattered around them, and other was helping the latter. It signified the day they met with more of Josh's imagination in full effect.

He had been working on it all afternoon, and it was only the sketch. He'd have to paint it soon considering it was nearing thanksgiving, and after that Josh new he wouldn't have much time.


Josh grabbed his phone to see who had sent him a message.

Unknown number: what are you going to do when you can't have your body guard now faggot? If you tell him about this, I'll make sure you pay because I know where you live. [picture of his house]

Josh reread the message. His chest was feeling heavy and it felt like lungs were squeezing shut. His eyes brimmed with tears as he just stared, refusing to blink and let the tears fall.
The tears fell once there was enough of the solution built up and they just rained down.

He couldn't tell. He didn't want to cause trouble so he'd just tell his soulmate. That couldn't do too much harm?

Josh shook his head. He couldn't tell anyone. He wouldn't tell anyone.


Tyler stared at his wall blankly when he felt his heart drop to his stomach. He could tell something was wrong, but what could it have been?

He texted Josh, but never got a response. He didn't even view the message. He instantly knew something was wrong. He got up and went to Josh's house and knocked on the door. He heard foot steps and someone opened the door. A female.


"Um, hey, I'm here for Josh."

"Oh, um. I'll see if wants company."

"Just mention that it's T."

He watched the girl walk deeper into the house and to a stair case. "Josh! Some guy named T's here to see you!" Her voice rang through out the uneasy silence. No response. She walked up stairs, and came back down a few minutes after.

"He's asleep, and that doesn't happen often, so I'm going to suggest to come another time."

Tyler just simply nodded, and bid his farewell before walking back to his house.

He guessed Josh was alright.

Ink {joshler}(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now