concept one;

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her eyes naturally follow his presence as he walked in front of her. he never seems to be apart from his giant best friends. he was short if you compared him to those two friends of his that stand confidently in six foot tall, but he caught more attention somehow. and despite not knowing who he is, she smiled when he laugh.

he oddly has that certain effect on her behalf.

she doesn't know his name. she did hear sometimes that people call him kino though. but to her, it sounded like a pet name. so at the end of the day, she always assumed it was a nickname.

she realized that she has been standing on a same spot for a while only until he was out of eyesight. she was embarrassed, running away to her class. brushing the thoughts off of her mind.

"yah, ahn hyerim."

she looked back, hwang yura is walking towards her with heavy lazy steps. when she's by hyerim's side, she carelessly hung her arm--that is occupied by her heavy bag--on hyerim's shoulder.

if she says so herself, hyerim doesn't necessarily have someone that she labelled as best friend because she never trust such mindset. about someone who stayed with you forevermore. who you can share your deepest secrets with.

a person who you could completely trust about everything in all the time is only a state of mind humanity created to be presented as a living.

anyway, yura and her are cool. but would she address yura as a friend? in most--all--cases, no. she had a little problem with that.

even if yura has been her friend since first grade she still has that very same problem. calling her name formally at some times.

"so, what are you doing today?" she nudged hyerim's shoulder.

hyerim sighed, feeling the heaviness of yura's arm and her things. "my mom applied me to an extra english class, i'm gonna be home late."

yura pouted her lips. "can you skip? i got something to show you."

she regretfully shook her head. "i'm sorry, and i also gotta run. it's math class."

yura let go of her and waved. "okay," she said, turning around to go to her own classroom.

hyerim sat down on her desk, staring blankly to the front of the class, waiting for the teacher to come in. filling another part of her usual day.

"yes, mom. yep, i'm not missing it," she mumbled to the phone.

being the first one to arrived on the additional class, she tried to find something to do. but answering the call from her mother wasn't a very good idea.

"hyerim," her mother sighed from the other line. "you don't have to go. do you seriously had nothing else to do?"

"no, mom. i'm fine." hyerim repeated once again.

"what about yura? she didn't ask you to do anything today?" mrs. ahn was tired of telling her daughter to lay off a little bit from her academic records and try to actually get some friends. not something usual for a mother with a teenage daughter. but in hyerim's case, it has become a habit for her mother to nags like that.

"uh, the class is getting really crowded. i'll call you later, bye." hyerim mumbled again, hanging up the phone call as someone walk in. he smiled at hyerim as a polite gesture before taking the seat four desks away from her, near the door.

hyerim sat still with her arms resting on the desk, flipping through pages of a small trivial encyclopedia she sometimes carry around to make it clear not to talk to her in public whoever you are.

strangers, neighbors, self-proclaimed friend.

you meant nothing to her.

lowercase intended

yep it's suppose to be short; i'm not exactly fluent in english so please bear with me

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