concept seven;

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"i don't buy it," hyerim pursed her lips. she straightened the strap of her backpack and took a hold of one of the pole.

"then don't," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. "but don't act so surprised later on."

hyerim narrowed her eyes as she look at hyunggu one more time. "whatever, it's not like i care."

hyunggu didn't even bother to ask any more questions knowing that hyerim would probably, one, brush it off as if it's not important and two, pretend like she doesn't hear it so she doesn't make him think that it's unimportant. basically the same thing, and hyunggu knows it pretty well.

"so, you're friends with hwang yura.." hyunggu trailed off, his bubbly self couldn't just stop talking right then and there.

hyerim shrugged. "yeah, i guess you can call it that way."

"how did you know that waiter?" he asked again, continuing the dying conversation. hyerim is not a good conversationalist to begin with and having hyunggu pestering her like that makes it worse.

"i just used to go there often." she finally gave in (or maybe she just gave up) and starts to answer hyunggu's random questions.

but it seems like hyerim's consideration doesn't leave any impact on hyunggu's conscience. "that's it? you're not gonna elaborate?"

"oh my god, how is it possible to cope with you?"

instead of feeling offended, hyunggu laughs. taking hyerim slightly aback. "now you're acting like a human."


"i'm kidding. i'm really nosy, so i was waiting for you to say that i officially annoy you."

hyerim clicked her tongue in annoyance. she pulled out her phone and earpieces, hyunggu doesn't even had the chance to land another question or annoying remarks. he could already hear the music blasting way a little too loud from those earpiece.

"you'll ruin your eardrums." hyunggu noted, he peeked at hyerim's screen, trying to figure out what song she's listening to. what kind of music she enjoys, or something like that.

she doesn't seem to mind when hyunggu's head blocked her view to her phone screen and just let him be. hyerim personally doesn't listen to anything other than ballad. unless when yura forced her to listen to some certain songs and downloaded it down to her phone. when yura really liked a song, she'd always makes hyerim listen to it. they have different taste in music, very different, and if hyerim refuses to listen then yura would have to forcefully input the songs on hyerim's playlist.


the tone that hyunggu used to say it made hyerim slightly offended. "what? you're going after my music taste, now?"

"no.. it's just that you don't seem like a person who listens to ballads." hyunggu clarified, he shrugged and took a step back.

hyerim pursed her lip, which really unlike her, and continue talking with hyunggu for some reason. "even if i don't listen to ballads, yesung is an exception, don't you think?"

"might be, yeah." hyunggu weigh on his answer.

either way, hyerim seemed dissatisfied with his reply. "if you don't appreciate yesung and you say that you're a trainee, i hope you don't succeed when you debut."

hyunggu put a hand over his chest and faked a pained expression. "that's harsh."

"i was aiming for that, thank you." hyerim said with a cutesy voice she faked and a smirk.

before they know it, their stop was coming nearer. hyunggu was miraculously able to keep hyerim hold a conversation with him until they arrived at her door.

he even get her to give him one of her earpiece (which thankfully are wireless) and listen to her songs together.

open the door, here i am
why don't you know?
i bought the plant and flowers that you like
look, i'm wearing the shirt you bought me

"that was nice,"  hyunggu stated. "it's a great song. i'd buy that song later."

"give me back that earpiece first," hyerim commanded, she lend out her palm and asks for him to return the earpiece.

"see you tomorrow."


"hyerim-ah, have you eaten?" the deep voice from receiver welcomed hyerim just like the usual.

"yes, dad." hyerim hummed quietly. "why did you call earlier?"

"nothing, just checking in. why do i need a reason to call my daughter?" ahn kihyun, the forty-six year old man said enthusiastically. he's a warm person, talkative. but hyerim take over her mother, quiet and reserved. most of the time.

" are you in seoul?" hyerim asked as she browse through her bookshelf.

her hand lands on a manga. hyerim doesn't read them often, but her father always give her that as a gift. a manga series. hyerim ended up having a collection of it.

"i'm in seoul most of the time," her dad say lightly. "ah, i got to take pictures of those idols you like. what do you think?"

"you don't like taking pictures of people." hyerim commented.

"what can i do? i need money to buy you things, don't i?"

hyerim snorts out a laugh. "oh really?" hyerim chewed on her bottom lip. "then stop buying me the manga you want to collect."

"eh, if you want other gifts then ask your boyfriend."

"dad." hyerim flatly replied, not impressed by her father's attempt to crack a joke.

"i'm serious, if you can't get one, i can recommend this guy-"

"dad." hyerim cut him off.

"he's.. ah how do we address boys that teenagers like these days? cute, lovely-"

"dad, stop."

"okay. but you have to meet me for dinner tomorrow."

"i.." hyerim held back. she has that extra class tomorrow. "okay."


 helloo! i have returned. and yes, i love yesung, don't judge me. the song i quoted is called here i am and yes it is by yesung.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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