concept two;

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"okay, that is it for today. i'll see you again in two days," the english teacher ended the class, looking at the clock that now show the time of 7.45pm.

hyerim and about sixteen other kids went out the door in a flash. hyerim hated going home when the sun's already down, this is no exception.

when she was going out the hallway, she found a duffel bag on the floor. it looked fairly new and rather expensive. and out of curiosity, she approached the bag. there's a name tag on it that read 'kang hyunggu' and a grade label. it doesn't say which class the person is in though, just the grade. twelve, same as her.

hyerim opened it up and find an old polaroid camera and a bunch of print-out pictures. both from the polaroid and some are really printed. she hesitates, but figuring out that someone had left it accidentally, hyerim decided to take the bag with her to give it to the lost and found department at school.

it was already closed. of course, the odds were never with her.

hyerim sighed, slinging the bag on her arm. she heaved a breath. looking around the school, checking if the person who own this bag is still around. but she felt like she's all by herself.

hyerim was hesitant the whole way back home, she unwillingly make a few wrong turns but thankfully she realizes it before she went too far off way.

"i'm home," hyerim declared when she opened the front door. her mom replied from the kitchen a simple yes. "i'll be in my room, mom. i'm tired."

hyerim sat on the edge of her bed, she put the duffel bag next to her on the bed.

she rummage through the bag once again, she pulled out the print out photos. it was the scenery of seoul, it looked beautiful mostly. some of the pictures are put inside a clipped plastic bag. hyerim doesn't know what that's suppose to be, but she just looked at the photos.

but she also found a few books, filled with classical tales. she even found and 1989 copy of hans christian andersen's book. she raised her head and look over at her book case, where the same book is laying. the owner of the bag also have a jane austen book on his bag. but it was unfamiliar with her. the only book by jane austen that hyerim own is northanger abbey.

cassettes, there are also cassettes. what kind of twelfth grader still own cassettes. even though the cassettes are mostly old, it still looks like in good condition. it was a bunch of billy joel and barbra streisand.

she found one photo that made her feel nervous, it was a photo of a riverside. but it wasn't han river most definitely. she felt like it was from her birthplace, gwangju.

hyerim flips the picture and find a messy handwriting on the back. feels like honeycomb hometown.

she put everything back in place immediately.

"what are you listening to?" yura, again, come from behind hyerim and do whatever she pleases.

"jung eunji," she muttered, fixing her earphone.

yura nods, she has a different musical view than hyerim. "i swear, you should take a listen to some hip-hop or something."

"i do listen to them, just not as often as i listen to ballads." hyerim sneaked, she grinned at yura.

"fine," she gave up. "where are you going with that duffel bag?" yura asked at the very end.

"i, uh, find it left at the corridor last night. i was about to give it to lost & found but, of course it was closed. so i took it back home," hyerim explained. she sighed, now making her way towards the lost & found department at school.

yura, having nothing to do, just followed her along. "whose it is anyway?"

"someone named... kang hyunggu." hyerim mumbled the answer. "know anyone with that name in twelfth grade?" she asked. the other girl shook her head while pursuing her lips.

"hey! that's mine," someone sounded fairly familiar called from the back. hyerim snapped her head back immediately. it was  the person she absent mindedly always keeps her eyes on.

he grabs the bag from hyerim's hand. "why is it with you?" he asked hyerim suspiciously.

hyerim gulped in surprise, she realizes she has never talked with him before even once. "i found it on the south building, left on the corridor. i was about to give it to the lost & found just now."

kino, no, hyunggu eyed hyerim but he doesn't look suspicious this time. "yeah, i did left it there yesterday. so, thanks i guess." hyunggu nods, he brush his hand on his pants. he turned around and starting to make his way to go.

yura sulk at his attitude. "her name's ahn hyerim, by the way!" she yelled out. "and she deserves a thank you! a sincere one!"

hyerim put her hands on her mouth and dragged her away immediately. "why did you do that?"

"he's an asshole! i don't know why you liked him!" yura exclaimed, freeing herself from hyerim's hands.

"why do you think i like him?!" hyerim hissed, knocking yura's head in annoy.

yura scowl her mouth. "you might be unable to say i'm your friend, but i know i'm more than just a stranger."

let's talk song of the day, i can't stop playing 눌러와 by btob😆 by the way, this one's messed up. i'll edit it later.

i mentioned eunji on purpose bc i used her name as my character~

happy birthday ryu sujeong!

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