concept three;

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"hey, did you went through my bag?"

hyerim slams her locker shut, finding herself eye to eye with hyunggu.

"what, no! why would i?" hyerim denied, she was a little off guard so it was almost obvious that she's lying.

hyunggu pursued his lips. "i think you did," he stated.

"hey, if there's anything missing it's not my fault." hyerim argued, her hand are now resting on her hip. "you left it on the corridor of a public school."

he smiled all of the sudden. "alright, ahn hyerim. that's your name right?"

she freeze for a good few seconds, taken aback by his out of the blue smile. she then furrowed her eyebrows. "what does that has to do with anything?"

he just continued on smiling. "just want to make sure i remembered it correctly," he said, turning around and walking away after that.

she stomp her feet, a little irritated by the interaction. he was nothing like she thought he was. he gives her different vibe than the person who has all those classical books and old cassettes.

even though, she secretly likes the person who owns those things. that share the same interest as her. it's just not him even if at the same time it's also the same person.

yura shouted her name all of the sudden, making hyerim looks over in an immediate. she saw her dragging a girl she has never seen in her life before towards her way. when they arrived, the girl looked like she sprained her ankle because yura is dragging her around with too much force.

"okay, what now?" hyerim asked.

yura grins, her usual shit-eating grin, and started introducing the new girl. "this is bae yoonhwa. she just transferred to this school, it's her first day."

hyerim didn't respond for a while because of the unusual name. "and?"

"i was lend down a duty to show her around, help me out a little?" yura asked, smiling down at the new transferee.

hyerim thinks it over about spending the day with a stranger, but she doesn't want to seemed rude and in the end she just nod. "alright," she turn her gaze to the new girl. "my name's ahn hyerim, nice to meet you."

"nice to meet you, too."

yura looked at her watch, the break time had only started. but yura ain't going to cafeteria, she's a student committee member and they're a rumor lately that the committee is planning something for the end year events. which means, they're three times busier that another student.

and by the beginning of the new semester, all of them who's in twelfth grade aren't allowed to join any activities outside the academic course so they got the best score possible. better be spending time on stupid things now.

"perfect then, you know i had to leave now, right?" yura said as she checked her bag for things she needed. "i'll see you two later, please get along and don't make me involved if there's any trouble."


hyerim showed yoonhwa the places she thought is mandatory to be known by anyone from the student body before finally getting their lunch.

"so, where are you from?" hyerim started a conversation once they sat down on an unattended table.

yoonhwa gulps down the drink she just drank before answering hyerim. "tokyo."

"oh!" hyerim exclaimed. "but you're from here originally?"

yoonhwa nodded agreeing. "yes, my mom has business there. i've lived there pretty long though, since i was eleven."

"do you know anyone here by chance? this school isn't exactly considered special." hyerim asked again, because yoonhwa seemed to not going to keep the topic up.

yoonhwa shook her head. "nah, i'm not that clichè. it's the closest school from home, just so i could go by myself, you know."

hyerim just keep nodding because she has no response for that.

"anyway, can you show me around seoul? i can't remember anything about this place."


guess what she came back after a decade. by the way, merry late christmas and happy new year, beloved!
i most likely will be busy by the new yaer but i'll try my best to update~ last year of middle school (9th grade actually).

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