concept four;

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"well i can't, you know minjoo is literally killing me right now." yura complained through the phone, hyerim was dumb enough to say yes to yoonhwa's request for showing her the city.

"i can't take that back! what do i do?" hyerim complained back.

"i don't know, go to a karaoke place? play some billiards? just whatever you think a seventeen year olds want to do!" the girl from the other line whisper-yelled the a answer.

"i don't do those things, the seventeen year olds things!"

yura sighed deeply. "take her around a little, then just go to that bowling alley near minjoo's house. you can take the bus, if you're going from school then it's two stop after."

"why are you expecting me to know the head of students committee's house?"

"dear god, ahn hyerim!"

"ah, right."

hyerim looked over at yoonhwa. "so you remembered it?"

she started looking out the window once again and just nod, but still seemed unsure. "barely, but i can manage."

yoonhwa and hyerim are on the bus ride to that bowling alley yura told hyerim to go to, and hyerim just pointing to some places outside the window and telling yoonhwa random things about them. just like she said, she can manage.

"by the way, why do you need my help though? there's gps and everything."

yoonhwa just shrugged, she seemed as interested as hyerim is being. which is technically not at all. "just.."

hyerim stopped in front of the bowling alley yura told her and walk in. "there's should've been more crowd if you want to be in this kind of places," hyerim muttered distinctively. "but two's already a crowd for me."

yoonhwa slightly grinned. "we have the same case then."

they booked an alley and rent some shoes and start to warm up for the game. "let's play a round, whoever loses pays the snacks." yoonhwa placed a bet slyly.

hyerim took a size 11 ball and smiled. "cool," she replied. "i'm just telling you i can score up to 150."

yoonhwa snorted. "i see we've matched well then, i almost brag about the same thing."

"i win!" hyerim jumps excitedly, she was overreacting because the last pin fell down late for her third consecutive strike.

yoonhwa wasn't doing bad either, the distance of their score are only seven points. "fine, let's get going then. i'll pay whatever it is your carving," she sighed. she sounds a little disappointed, she's good at hiding it though.

"oh, ahn hyerim!"

hyerim stopped her celebration to checked who called her and to make sure her guess isn't right. but she has that good instinct that caused the probability of her being wrong is less than the probability of her being right.

"kang hyunggu-ssi," she heaved a breath. he was with his tall friend, the one with serious eyes and awkward haircut or maybe not. the other one is more of a carousel, but this one is a roller coaster.

"i honestly never expect to see a person like you being here," he smiled sweetly, making hyerim a little uneasy.

some great arts are just supposed to be adored, not understood. he was one of that.

"but now that you're here, let's play one more game?" hyunggu offered. hyerim was two seconds away to denied but he already shuts her mouth up and drag her to the seat. "who's you're friend?"

hyerim snatched his hand away. "she's not a friend of mine, i'm just showing her around. she just moved here."

hyunggu continued on smiling as he starts to questions yoonhwa. "so, what's your name? where are you from?"

"yoonhwa, tokyo." the short and clear reply showed that yoonhwa also don't want to be there.

hyunggu's face sparked up, he looked over at his friend. "oh, look we got a japanese!"

"i'm from here," yoonhwa snorted. "my name gives it away already."

hyunggu pouted. "ah, it was just started to be exciting," he complained. "by the way, i'm kang hyunggu. and that's my friend adachi yuto."

"you're name is really heavy, i think i'm suppose to say it in some sort of masan dialect." yoonhwa grinned, her eyes glint with mischief. hyerim thinks she's not a big fan of person like hyunggu.

hyerim stood up from her seat that she shared with him. "i think she got you, we'll get going,"

"how about just one round? i'll pay for dinner?" hyunggu stopped her again, pulling her back to sit down.

"what do you mean dinner?" hyerim asked, her eyes are wandering around. just don't make eye contact.

hyunggu lifted his eyebrows, his eye smile are forming. "we hang out after this of course, i haven't said my thank you."


a/n: all over the place i know, my feelings are too, because i bet everyone watch goblin right??? the ending tho, heol.

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