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hyerim went straight home after the too-much time she spent at the cafe, yoonhwa gets along with heejun really well. making them couldn't stop talking with each other. hyerim doesn't even try to initiate actions to join the conversation. which left her and hyunggu in an awkward silence.

at least back there it was still silence.

when hyerim walks into the door, the first thing she heard was her mother asking if it was her.

"yes, i'm home. sorry i'm late." hyerim replied, taking off her shoes before approaching the source of the voice.

hyerim's mother, park harin, was sitting on the couch with some folded laundry besides her.

hyerim sat beside her, then turn the tv on. an evening drama is playing. she put her bag down on the floor and fold her feet together, sitting with legs crossed on the sofa.

"your father called," her mother suddenly said, keeping her eyes on the tv screen.

hyerim hummed, her parents are divorced but they're not in bad terms. maybe they just aren't meant to get along for a long span of time. hyerim is cool with it, she sees her father often anyway. occasional calls every week, just asking how each other's are doing.

"hmm, i'll call him later." hyerim muttered.

"anyway, what were you doing today?" her mother cheerily asked, for once glad to know that her daughter didn't laze around the house.

hyerim stood up from the couch to leave the room, answering her mother's question on the way. "nothing much. i just suddenly want to eat outside."

"oh, yeah? with who?"

hyerim didn't replied and before her mother could ask more than necessary or more than what hyerim would anwer, she grabs her bag and run towards her room. her mother did called out her name because she left her unanswered but hyerim doesn't exactly wanted to be asked about anything at the moment.

when her bedroom door officially slammed tight on it's frame hyerim felt like she should scream. she didn't sign up for what happened today and for her mother to keep reminding her about it continuously.

"thanks for today, hyerim-ah." yoonhwa taps hyerim's shoulder before running off to the nearest bus station. the night is getting late and she already received two calls from her mother, needless to say yoonhwa is in a rush.

hyunggu is the last one to walks out of the cafe. he checks his wristwatch before glancing at hyerim. slightly irriated, hyerim cleared her throat. "what?" she asked.

"where's your friend?"

"she's not my friend, but she just left." hyerim replied, she stuffed her hands inside her pocket because the night just get a little windy.

hyunggu carefully scanned hyerim from head to toe. "aren't you cold?" he asked, addressing to the school uniform hyerim is wearing. the short skirt and thin fabric of the dress shirt doesn't look very warm especially for a cold night.

"i think that's a given," hyerim snorted, she really just wants to go home. what's keeping her here? she should've just leave him earlier. "look, the sun was down hours ago. i'll just make my way home now."

her feet already making their move away from hyunggu, but he catches up. "i feel kind of bad seeing you walk home alone, uh..."

he tried to matches his footsteps with hyerim. "you really don't have to create an awkward situation," she plainly stated, huffing some air out of her mouth.

"yeah, i'm already in too far," he cringed, then stole a glance at hyerim. "where's your house?"

weirdly, hyerim didn't find herself hesitating to answer hyunggu's question. "yulhyeon-dong."

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