concept five;

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"i really can't tell who's winning." yoonhwa commented, the gap between their scores are almost nonexistent with hyerim and yoonhwa leading with two points.

hyunggu and hyerim were the last persons to throw, and hyerim hates to say it but she might get a little too competitive by now.

"i can make three strikes in a row, you know," she said at some point, holding her bowling ball, trying to measure it again.

hyunggu snorted. "what makes you think i can't? even if i lose here, we'll still going to be having a rematch with billiards."

"what now?" hyerim grunted, her face define her feelings.

"because i won, you'll be treating."

hyerim growled, her last throw was off-beat, she only took down six pins while hyunggu made his third consecutive strike.

she looked at his face once again, her eyes squinted. "fine, but i'll choose the place."

"cool, just please don't take us to a veggie restaurant or something." hyunggu shrugged his shoulder, bumping it on hers. making hyerim jumped away from him a little too obviously.

"kino, i'll get going first."

all three people snapped their head towards yuto's direction, he's not a person they expect to speak up at the moment. "oh, okay." hyunggu nodded before his friend fled to the other direction while busying himself with his phone.

"why'd he call you kino? i recall you introduced yourself as hyunggu." yoonhwa asked up, but her expression is blank.

"well, it's a nickname i get used to. i mean hyunggu is a really heavy name like you said," he replied.

hyerim picked on her nails, uneasy. "that sounds more like a pet name," she blurted.

hyunggu turns towards her, he didn't grin like she expect him to. "yeah, probably." his reply sounds a little off than his usual ones.

"anyway, let's just go and get this done quick. i agreed to pay, not to spend time with you." hyerim changed the subject, she walked faster so she's ahead of yoonhwa and hyunggu.

yoonhwa quickly catch up with her, not wanting to create a certain atmosphere if she was left with hyunggu.

"how do you know him? childhood friend?" yoonhwa asked at some point as they walk in silence. thankfully, hyunggu knows his boundaries which make him didn't butt into their conversation.

hyerim raised her eyebrow and glanced at yoonhwa. "do we look like we're on a good terms?"

yoonhwa tilted her head a little as she grasp the information. "ah, ex-boyfriend. maybe?"

"no, no, no." hyerim shakes her head frantically. "you're getting the wrong idea."

"it's because you never express it," yoonhwa pointed out very blatantly and she looks slightly oblivious with the topic.

that's kind of hyerim's problem since the beginning, why is she not getting it yet?

but she could only sigh. "it's just me, don't mind it." hyerim replied, throwing the topic out the window. "come on, i don't want to be stuck with him until sundown." her voice came out louder so the boy could hear her.

not answering with a snarky remarks like she had expect, he only smiled in secrecy instead.

hyunggu walked into the cafe hyerim selected first, he turn around and grins at the two girls first before entering. "i'm here a lot, you know?" he said.

hyerim used to go to this cafe when she was younger, probably middle school. yura dragged her here at first, but then she started liking the atmosphere and went there a lot. she stopped at the first year of high school though, figuring out that she had no time for that anyway.

"why'd you choose this place?" hyunggu asked as he choose a table the three of them could sit on.

hyerim sat down uncomfortably because her seat is across his. "i don't want to waste my money on you, just get a donut or something and i'll get going." hyerim ranted, waving her hand to an unoccupied waiter.

hyunggu laughed while hyerim is trying to compose herself. it wasn't even a crush, she just like how he does his quirks. it might sounds creepy, but honestly it was only hyerim's innocent thoughts anyway. no one has any privilege to say anything about it.

"hyerim-ssi, haven't seen you for a while." the waiter finally approaches their table. "and you brought friends who are not yura."

hyerim gave him an awkward smile. his name is hong heejun and she known him since forever though it doesn't decrease the amount of awkwardness hyerim shows when she meets him. he own and run the cafe with a couple of his friends, so he used to see hyerim a lot. other than him, nobody gives her a certain attention on her when she comes.

"i'm busy with school, sorry." hyerim said in a rather flat monotonous voice. "this is yoonhwa and uh-" she pointed at yoonhwa who waved slightly at heejun, she pointed again at hyunggu but he cuts her off.

"kino." hyunggu completed the sentence for her.

heejun nods, already familiar with her amusing  responses and is completely ignoring hyunggu. "you know what, you haven't been here for years. how about the bills on me. what do you think?"

hyerim tried to hold her grin, but she nods enthusiastically. "i appreciate that very much," she said, actually adding emotions on her voice this time.

hyunggu eyed the waiter as he walks away from their table after he collected their orders. then he move his center of vision to hyerim just in front of him.

"you surprisingly talks a lot," he stated.

hyerim pulls out a tissue from it's box on the table to fiddle with it, just to make her hands occupied and not look odd just resting on the very table. "because i'm fond with him," hyerim gave a statement back at him, returning to the monotonous voice.

"i can see that," hyunggu said bluntly.

though, hyerim ignored him and thankfully succeeded in doing so.

soon, heejun is back with their orders in hand. and hyunggu really did ordered donuts.

heejun decided to take a seat next to hyunggu, across yoonhwa, and just take a break for a bit. "so, where's yura?"

a/n; i have returned after ages! my exams aren't done yet but lemme drop this here. btw can someone make me new cover? idk where my photoshop went and i'm too lazy and busy at the same time to do smth about it. heee~

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