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Just a little note - You can listen to the song I added as you read if you're into that. The instrumental and overall tone will make sense as you read.

BTW possible tears and anguish ahead!)

Percy's P.o.V.

The worst feeling you can ever experience is seeing the person you love the most die in front of you.

There's no way I'll ever feel that. No, I'm going to see Annabeth.

I wrapped my arms around Luke. He smelled like fog and rain.

I dropped Riptide. Following it was the sharp clang of metal.

"I knew you'd come back for me," Luke whispered. I smiled. He understands.

"But not soon enough," he added softly.

Just like that, Backbiter punctured my back.

I let out a gasp. Other than that, it was shock that stopped my movements. I couldn't feel pain. Everything was numb.

In the distance, I heard Y/N shouting my name. Percy! Percy! But my vision was so blurry. I couldn't see. I couldn't help. I couldn't --

I saw a silhouette, clear as day, in the corner of my eye. There was no mistaking who it was.

"Annabeth!" I shouted. It was like my soul had disconnected with my body. I saw myself then, lying helplessly with blood pouring out of my wound. Y/N had gotten up quickly to finish Luke off.

Annabeth turned around. She smiled. Gods, I've missed that smile. It made me warm. It made me --

Please wake up.


How could I leave her? I'm so selfish. I'm erasing her from my mind, but I can never leave hers. Gods, why would I do this?

The worst feeling you can ever experience is seeing the person you love the most die in front of you. Hadn't I said that? Isn't that what Y/N's feeling?

Please wake up.

I couldn't. I was already gone. I was beginning to follow Annabeth. I couldn't control my legs, my soul, anything.

Please wake up.

I watched desperately as Y/N's spear clashed with Luke's sword. They looked magical, like something out of a fairy tale.

Wake up, you stupid, selfish, cruddy boyfriend!

Y/N had turned this passion into an advantage rather than a distraction. She fought so hard, I swore she'd behead me in a second.

But I was already falling, leaving. I was disappearing.

One more moment! Let me stay just a little longer! Let me --

Y/N won.

In addition to tearing open Luke's thigh, she had stabbed his chest. Blood leaked out from each scrape and puncture.

She won. My beautiful, powerful, amazing Y/N.

Except she's not mine.

I think something broke inside of me when Y/N walked over to my body.

She was crying. I've never seen her cry before.

"You idiot," she said. "You absolute idiot."

I felt myself letting go. I didn't want to go. Let me stay!

"You were the only person I ever loved," Y/N continued with tears that flowed down her lovely face. "You left me here alone. How could you?"

I extended my arm out. I wanted to hug her. I've never wanted to press myself against Y/N more than I did then. I wanted to --

Y/N let her thumb graze my cheek. I put my hand towards where it landed. I was cold. Cold and dead.

"I love you."

Y/N stood up quickly and shoved her spear away. Her clothes were in tatters. She looked around, inspecting each of the dead bodies around us roughly, and then turned back to me. Gods, she's so beautiful.

"But I'll manage," Y/N sighed. "That's what I have to do, don't I? You'd want me to live, wouldn't you?"

That was it. I let it all out. I screamed, and cried, and banged my hands on my head. Never ending tears streamed down my scarred and bruised face.

And then I realized.

"But maybe I should find a way to let you know. That even though you're gone, you have left me here alone. Well baby, you should try to fix my heart before you go. Because my heart will always be your second home."

It's not Annabeth that I love now. It's Y/N. I love Y/N more than anything in the world.

I want to live with her.

"We never did have our own infinity."

I was fading.

"Scratch that. Percy, I love you. I have since the moment we met, and I always will. I'll remember you forever.

"Once, I promised myself I'd save you -- even if it kills me. And it did. It killed the part of me that refused to believe in true love, or that we were fated to be together. It was the part of me that couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that I could care about someone.

"So here lies another girl. Someone who will love you, who will wake up basked in the scent of your old swim hoodies. Someone who will fall in love, again and again, with the lingering memories of the boy who saved her.

"I saved you, Percy, but you saved me too."

Y/N wiped the tears off her cheeks, and realizing what she doing, blurted, "I'm not crying -- you're crying! You crybaby.

"But I love you anyways. I will always love you, Percy."

And then the last part of me flickered out as Y/N left the cabin. I was gone.

I love you too, Y/N. Maybe I'll see each other again when you get older.

Gods, I sure wish I will.

But take your time. We have time.

The memory of her beautiful, beautiful smile, sleepy smiles, and yawn-filled eyes brought warmth through my chest. That night Y/N snook over to my cabin was a constant implanted in my mind.

We can live forever.

Fix my Heart || Percy Jackson x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now