Chapter Four: Office

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I walked to my locker, opening it and grabbing a binder I needed for my next class, science.
I walked downstairs, finally reaching the  classroom. The room was large compared to other classrooms. In the back of the classroom, there were lab tables that we sometimes used for experiments and other projects. We had a class pet, one blue poison dart frog that came from another retired science teacher.
I sat down at a cluster of desks in the front of the class. I was still a few minutes early, so only a few people were even in the class.
Finally, everyone got to class, hopefully on time. Mrs. Anderson, our science teacher, stood up.
"Good morning!" Mrs. Anderson said cheerfully. She was usually super nice, the only exception being when someone forgot to bring or do their homework. "Now, first of all, I need to see your homework." All of us got out our homework, unless they didn't do it, which was typical for most of the class.
Suddenly, a black phone rang by the door. Mrs. Anderson answered it. I wasn't really paying attention to their conversation, but I started listening when I heard the word, or name, Star.
          "Sure, she'll be right there," Mrs. Anderson said as she hung up the phone. My eyes widened.
           "What did I do to get in trouble?!" I thought nervously. The small butterflies in my stomach turned in to evil, killing beasts.
            "Star, you need to go to the principal's office, and bring your stuff with you," Mrs. Anderson said. I swear, everyone in the whole school gasped, I hardly ever got in trouble.
            I slowly got up and grabbed my binder, walking out of the room to the office. Every second I was walking down the hall, I thought of what I could've done bad, but I thought of nothing.
          Eventually, I got to the office, trembling. I opened the door, seeing three people, Mr. Z, the principal, and a man I had never met before. The principal, Mrs. Edin, was a dark-haired older woman who had glasses and always wore a tight bun, which in my opinion, made her look very strict. The man standing next to her was tall, maybe about age forty, and he had thin, silver hair and a bushy beard.
          I sat down in a small chair by a desk.
        "Hi," I mumbled shyly.
        "Hello, Miss Cruikshank. Do you have any idea why you are here?" Mrs. Edin said.
"No?" I practically whispered, unsure whether I was asking or not.
"Well, y-" The man I didn't know was interrupted by three other people walking in.
"There you are, Mr. Harper, Mr. Lupus, and Miss Grace." Mrs. Edin remarked. The mysterious man cleared his throat.
"You four, Zack, Alex, Mackenzie, and Star," He paused, preparing us for what he was going to say next, "you have been chosen to go to space as an experiment."
"Say what now?!?" Zack nearly shouted.
"My name is William Evans, I'm sorry I haven't properly introduced myself yet. Mr. Z and I will be your guide in space, if you choose to go, that is," Mr. Evans said.
All of us, especially Zack, stood there, gaping.
"I can't believe it," I thought. "I'M GOING TO SPACE!"

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