Chapter Seven: Friends

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Nikkifox12: Hi, this is probably going to be a super long chapter so prepare yourself!!!! I have a very good question that you should comment on... should Zack and Star be a thing?!? Yes? No? Maybe? Comment!
             This was the only day I was excited about waking up at five-thirty in the morning. Dad had to drive me to school and get there by six o'clock, so we had about two hours in the morning to train before school. Even though we weren't actually training, it technically was the first day of space training!
Once we got there, I practically jumped out of the car, but all my heavy stuff for school made that impossible. I ran into the building, managing to say 'bye' to Dad while I was running.
I reached the doors, out of breath from running so fast very early in the morning. I opened the doors, thinking that I was the first person there. The lights were off, so I couldn't see a thing.
"BOO!" I heard a familiar voice shout.
"Zack," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Wait... Star?! I thought you were Alex!" Zack said, apologetic. "Sorry..." Unlucky for him, though, my eyes had gotten used to the darkness and I walked right up to his face and I slapped him.
"Ow!" Zack yelped, and I could see an outline of him holding his face. I burst out laughing. "What was that for?" He whined.
"Sorry," I said, pausing to breathe from laughing so hard. "I had to,"
                  Suddenly, the lights turned on, nearly blinding me.
                  "Agh! The light! I'm blinded!" I shouted.
                  "Aw, Zack, I always knew you and Star would make a cute couple!" I heard Alex call. Zack's cheeks were turning redder by the second. I just rolled my eyes in response.
                  "I can't believe I have to put up with this in space," I accidentally said out loud. Alex snickered.
                  "Oh, shut up!" Zack mumbled. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. If it weren't for Mackenzie walking in the gym at that second, I would've exploded.
                  "Hey! Mackenzie! How's your life been?" I said, trying to avoid another conversation with Alex and Zack.
                "Pretty good!" She responded. "Why do you ask?" I nodded in Alex and Zack's direction. Mackenzie gave me a look of understanding.
                I heard a loud clap that made all of us jump.
              "Mr. Evans," I figured.
"Hello! This is your first official day of space training! Today we will be taking the whole day t-"
Zack raised his hand and loudly said, "Excuse me, Mr. Evans, but I thought we were only going to do space training for two hours!"
I shook my head, rolling my eyes.
"Actually, you aren't going to officially go to school today. I figured that if I told you yesterday, you, or some of you, would freak out about missing school." Mr. Evans finished. Zack's eyes widened, and I could almost tell exactly what he was thinking, 'Yay! No school!' I could almost hear his annoying little voice in my head until Mr. Evans started shouting.
"My ears are going to be dead if I have to survive the whole day with his yelling," I thought as I almost covered my ears.
"GET WITH YOUR PARTNERS!!!" He shouted. I walked over to Zack, his face a slight pink. I looked over at Mackenzie, Alex trying to talk her ear off. We gave each other sympathetic looks. "If you want to even start space training, you have to be physically fit," Mr. Evans explained, calming down a little. "NOW GO!!!! DROP AND GIVE ME THIRTY!! ALL OF YOU! WHOEVER CAN STAY UP THE LONGEST GETS BRAGGING RIGHTS!!!!" Mr. Evans screamed. I groaned. This was going to be the longest day ever.
I started counting. 1... 2... 3... 4... 6... 10... My arms are shaking...
"Ouch!" I yelled as I hit the floor. I looked over at Zack, who was still going, even at 31! I crossed my arms and sat up.
"Ok, you've made your point," I said to Zack, annoyed.
"I know, I know, I'm so great at push-ups, stop it!" Zack said with a hint of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes. Zack grinned at me. I couldn't help but laugh.
I thought to myself, "Maybe, just maybe, Zack and I will turn out to be friends. Maybe."

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