Chapter Sixteen: Only Days

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I looked out the window, amazed. "Mars is bright tonight," I mumbled.
On Earth, it was about five o'clock in the morning, so everyone was asleep but me and maybe Zack. He claimed he had insomnia, but I could tell something was bothering him. I personally just fell asleep in the daytime, preferring to spend some of my time alone, staring at the stars in the dark, with no one bothering me.
I stood up, floating about an inch from the ground. I pressed my face up against the glass, still mesmerized by the universe. Everyone else had gotten used to the view, but I still was shocked every time I saw space.
I sighed, touching the necklace I had found. I held it in my hands, examining it again. It had stayed the same, and i was fine with it as long as it didn't break in space or something.
I heard a noise, my heart racing until I realized that noise was Zack. I noticed he was in the Control Room, or the room in the ship with all of the confusing stuff.
I poked my head through the door, seeing Zack messing around with the controls like he knew everything about them.
He turned around, looking at me. "Star? What are you doing here?" He asked, surprised.
"Oh, right. Uh, how long until we reach the camera thing?" I asked.
"Uh..." he started, a bit unsure. "A few days from now, I think."
"You think?"
"That's reassuring,"
Zack turned around to look at me. "I'm starting to think you're here for another reason,"
"Sure, I guess I'm just bored."
"Do you want to learn about the controls?"
"Learning? Ew."
"You used to love to learn about stuff!" He protested.
"At school," I responded.
"Good point," Zack said, looking at the controls and pressing a button, putting on headphones.
"What's happening..." I slowly asked.
"So you know that call we do to Earth every week?" He said, completely focused on what he had to do.
"Yeah..." I said, unsure how that relate from my question.
"Well, I do that every day."
I took a few seconds to take that in. "Wait, seriously? That's what you've been doing this whole time?!"
Zack looked at me and nodded. "Every day."
I raised my eyebrows at him. "I don't know if I believe you." I looked at him, waiting for a response, but he was already talking to someone, probably Mr. Z.
I sighed and looked ahead out of a small window I hadn't realized was in the Control Room. I really need to explore more of this ship, I thought.
Eventually, Zack was done.
"Have fun?" I asked.
"Sure," he responded sarcastically.. "It was the most fun ever."
I couldn't help smiling a little.
Zack smirked at me. "So I am funny, are t I?"
I rolled my eyes. "You wish."
All I could do to respond was stick my tongue out at him.
"Immature," he said in an accent.
"You're immature!"
"No I'm not,"
"Shut up!" I punched him lightly in the arm.
Zack stifled a laugh. "Ouch,"
"I know, I'm just so powerful,"
"No you're not,"
I rolled my eyes. "Well I'm going to look outside now," I said, floating out of the room. I looked out of the window from a distance, seeing something moving.
"Woah!" I exclaimed.
"What now?" Zack complained.
"A shooting star,"

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