Tip 3 - Contribute

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Do not be the person who refuses to do anything but nod and smile.

He nodded.

She smiled. "Sure."

No one likes those responses. How is your partner supposed to keep responding to that? If their character is asking lots of questions to keep the conversation going and you find yourself nodding or giving two word answers, rethink your replies, my friend.

Try asking the same question back or asking a brand new question. Suggest the characters go or do something else. I do not care if your character is "deathly shy and doesn't like human contact" or "quiet, a loner, doesn't want to talk to anyone." You can still give the other person something to go off of.

And, please, if your character is shutting other role players into corners, consider revising the closed-off character.

Also, do not be afraid to make actions happen. Take the reigns and instigate a conflict or new plot, but keep Tips 1 and 2 in mind while doing this.

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