Tip 5 - Cooperation

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If you had a plan in mind and the other role player responded with something slightly different than what you wanted, go with it. Role play thrives on cooperation, don't just rewrite the scene to be how you wanted it.

If you wanted the other role player to recommend you two climb the waterfall, but instead their character starts swimming in the pond, do not, I repeat, do not! Just change the scenario and make them be climbing the waterfall anyway. It totally discounts what the other person was trying to do. If you have a story in mind already, write a book, don't force it into the role play.

Example of what not to do-

Person 1: Gertrude led Sylvia to the waterfall. A glittering pond lay underneath the pounding fall. She smiled. "What do you think?"

Person 2: Sylvia marveled at the sight. "It's beautiful." She ran to the water's edge and began splashing around until she was waist deep. The water was lovely, and she could stay all day long.

Person 1: Gertrude walked to the edge of the waterfall and began climbing. Once she and Sylvia had reach the top, she looked down and smirked. "Let's jump."

Do you see how this is a problem? Person 1 totally discounted what Person 2 wrote. Here are two ways to avoid this problem.

Example 1 of what to do-

Person 1: Gertrude led Sylvia to the waterfall. A glittering pond lay underneath the pounding fall. She smiled and walked to the edge of the waterfall and began climbing. Once she and Sylvia had reach the top, she looked down and smirked. "Let's jump."

This way, Person 1 makes their intentions clear from the beginning and Person 2 can respond accordingly.

Example 2 of what to do-

Person 1: Gertrude led Sylvia to the waterfall. A glittering pond lay underneath the pounding fall. She smiled. "What do you think?"

Person 2: Sylvia marveled at the sight. "It's beautiful." She ran to the water's edge and began splashing around until she was waist deep. The water was lovely, she could stay all day long.

Person 1: Gertrude stepped into the water, as well. After a time of swimming, she looked at Sylvia. "Want to see something really fun? Come on." Gertrude walked to the edge of the waterfall and began climbing. Once she and Sylvia had reached the top, she looked down and smirked. "Let's jump."

See, this way Person 1 and Person 2 both get to do what they wanted. They cooperate and make the role play run smoothly.

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