Chapter 1

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I hear my name in a blood curdling scream that sends shivers down my spine. It takes me a second to pinpoint the source of the screaming, but at the sight of it, my blood runs cold.

"Nina!" I yell back to her. She's dangling off a cliff, hanging on by a tree branch. I extend my arm to reach her, but it's just an inch too far. Blood pools around where her wings used to be. My eyes tear up, and it blurs my vision. I keep reaching toward her. Closer, closer, closer. So close-
Before I can reach her, she falls from the cliff, hurdling toward the ground thousands of feet below. I try to fly to her, but my wings won't budge - I won't budge. I scream bloody murder, trying with all my might to move my body that's glued to the floor. My eyes are forced to watch her fall. Farther, and farther down the seemingly never ending abyss.

I wake up with a jolt, my heart racing faster than a hummingbird. Sweat beads around my forehead. I breathe heavily and stare at the ceiling until I calm down. I hear my door creak quietly.

"Nova?" A sweet voice whispers.

"Nina? is everything okay?"

She approaches my bed slowly.

"You were screaming again," she says.

"I'm sorry, I was just having- a, uh little nightmare, it's okay," I say shakily.

"I can tell you're lying," Nina says.

One bad thing about a child who can sense you're feelings- you can't lie to them.
"Just - just go back to bed.

She relentlessly turns and walks away. I hear the soft click of the door after she leaves.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Slowly and surely, I fall asleep again.


"Rough night, huh Nova?" Gray asks me. His dark brown eyes peering into mine, a look of deep concern is spread on his face.

"Was it loud?" I ask sheepishly.

"You shook the whole damn house," He chuckles.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"Yeah, I barely got any sleep," Clove says, with her mouth full of cereal. "What are they about, anyway?"

"Oh you know, typical nightmare stuff," I say as nonchalant as I can. I don't want them to worry about me.

"You're lying again," Nina says. Her tone sounds harsh, but her voice is soft.

Like I'm gonna tell them I've been having the same reoccurring nightmare every night for the past month.

I look down at my feet. God this is a little annoying. Gray smirks at me.

"Doesn't it suck to have an 8 year old who can sense feelings?"

Nina giggles sweetly, and it makes my heart feel warm. I smile at her, never wanting to leave her, never wanting anything to happen to her.

All of the sudden, about a dozen big wolf- like creatures crash through the front window. Erasers. I recognize them from the school, but I've never seen them come after us before. This can only mean one thing: they want to bring us back to the school. I break open my wings, and stand fiercely, ready to protect my family at all costs. The erasers give big, toothy, evil grins.

"That's the one," One of them says in a deep voice, pointing a sharp claw finger at me.

I grin just as maliciously at the erasers.

"You're gonna have to fight me first."

Within seconds, it lunges at me, managing to slightly scrape my face with its claws. A small burning sensation climbs throughout my face, only feeding my need to fight. I lunge back at him and punch him hard in the nose. I feel the impact in my knuckles, and feel the skin breaking. He yells out in pain and holds his nose, blood pouring out of his hand. I kick him hard in the chest, and feel his bones collapse a little as yells even louder than before. I glance over quickly at everyone else. I feel so proud to watch them kick so much ass. It seems like we're winning.

Clove is punching and kicking the living hell out of two of the erasers, and they can't even lay a hand (or claw) on her. While Gray has one eraser in a death-lock, punching him in the stomach repeatedly.

One minute we're winning by a landslide, until an eraser scoops up Nina and jumps back out the window. I scream her name as she screams mine. I race as fast as I can toward her. I am so close, so close to her outstretched hand I can feel the heat. Before I know it we're standing in front of a cliff, the eraser dangling Nina over the cliff. The cliff extends down to a deep canyon, hundreds of feet below. It would mean instant death for her. Before I think it can get any worse, he takes a rope out of a backpack on his hairy back. He ties it around Nina extremely tight, rendering her wings useless. She yelps in pain. My heart tears in two watching her like this.

"Not another step, or I'll drop her," he snarls.

"Please," I plead, trying to show the most sincerity.

"You have to come with us, then. Otherwise this one gets it."

"No," I say, running through the possible options in my head.

He smiles the most disgusting, evil smile I have ever seen as he lets go of Nina. I scream and watch her fall, her mid-back length brown hair frayed all around her. Falling, deeper and deeper into the desert abyss.

She's falling and I can't save her.

My nightmares came true.

A/N: thank you for reading! and also I know this was very close to the first book of Maximum Ride, but that was kind of the point ;) hope you enjoyed!!

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