Chapter 13

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I've gotta get out of here. I just can't take it anymore. I can't stand the feeling of being completely helpless, I just won't be sane much longer. Up until this point I haven't had much motivation to escape, but to be fair I haven't had much of an opportunity. Until now, of course.

About five whitecoats have untied me from my holding room and thrown me into a net where they are transporting me to where I assume the surgery is going to happen. My brain is still feeling like a bowel of spaghetti, so there's not much I can think about doing as long as this stupid helmet is on me. But then, the universe decides enough was enough. If there is a God, or Gods, they're sure looking out for me now. I suppose the higher power has decided I've had to bare enough shit in my pathetic excuse for a life, so I'm presented with an opportunity.

Amongst the chaos of what it takes five full grown men to handle one 16 year old girl, the dumbasses aren't paying much mind to me. They're only focusing on bringing me to their required location, and making sure I didn't escape in the process. They underestimate me, considering I appear to be unconscious as they drag me along the floor. As we turn a corner, they fail to notice the fact that my head had slammed against the wall. They also fail to notice that the only thing keeping me tame was no longer functioning and fell off of my head. They do, however, notice when I bring both of my legs to the chest of the man in front of me, and use all my force to flip him over. Dumbfounded, the four others have no idea what to do when I tear through the thin netting, and single handedly knock them out in an impressive 15 seconds.

I start racing in a certain direction, hoping maybe that I could somehow find the exit. I haven't really thought of what to do now, you see, because my plan of escape happened all too quickly.

Something interesting happens when as I'm sprinting, I catch a glimpse of a limp body with a hint of blonde. I stop in my tracks, and look through the window. The body is indeed Max, wearing the same wretched helmet they had placed on me. Before I can realize just exactly what I'm doing, I'm already in the room untying her from the ropes and releasing her helmet. She's barely conscious so I have no choice but to hoist her up around my shoulder. Max and I don't exactly get along, but nobody deserves to endure this.

All of the sudden a siren begins ringing, accompanied with a red flashing light.


I hectically look around for something to use as some sort of weapon, but all I'm surrounded with is walls. I yell, frustrated. Movement catches my eye when I see about four whitecoats appear to my right. They're all holding this weird looking weapon, and I'm not too keen on finding out what it does.

"Drop Max, return to your net, and we won't have to use force," A smug looking whitecoat says.

I try not to do anything to rash to avoid getting attacked with the mystery weapon.

I need an idea. Or a weapon. Or anything!

Precious seconds are ticking by while I frantically try to figure something out. I glance around and my eye catches the fire extinguisher. I slam my elbow into the glass, but in the process several whitecoats shoot something at my other arm, and instantly it goes numb. I grunt, not wanting to get hit again, because it could mean bad news.

I throw the large glass shards at a few of them, managing to hit their stomachs, and they double over in pain.

I use my good arm (which of course is also the side I'm using to hold Max) to whack the other two extremely hard in the head with the fire extinguisher. Barely a second after they're all unconscious, I sprint to the opposite way they came. The scene playing out is extremely hectic, and I think about trying to save the others, but I have absolutely no idea where they're being kept, and I'm not even sure if I can make it out of here myself.

I'm sorry guys. I'll come back for you, I promise.

After what seems like an hour of running, I finally come to a window. I extend my wings and gain enough momentum to break the glass with my shoe, struggling to stay afloat while I'm in the air. Several more whitecoats appear through the window, attempting to shoot me with the mystery gun again but I'm long gone.

I've escaped. I've done it! For the second time. I'm exhausted, my arm is stinging intensely, and I have an unconscious girl hanging around my shoulder. But I'm free, and that's all that matters.

Hello guys! I'm so sorry this took so long to update but i've just had the worst writers block ever. Shitty excuse but again, sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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