Monsters(The Outsiders Not-So-Love-Love-Story)

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Elliot's POV


"El, you're going to love this new house. It has a view, gourmet kitchen..." My mom drones on and on and on about this new fancy house, my parents don't care for me at all. They hate the way I dress, they hate the way I do things, they're always judging me, the only reason they're talking to me is because the realtor is in front of us.

As soon as the realtor leaves and they give my parents the keys they push me in the house. "You better not mess up this house like you messed up our life's! Bitch!" My mom spits at me, I have tried and tried to stand up to them but a everytime I did try respectfully, I might add. It always ended up badly. So, I nod and look around and find my room cause I don't know shit. This is the first time I've seen the house, and may I say HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT!!! It's fancy like 'The Queen' fancy, holy... I see chandeliers and gold lining and decorations and useless paintings of naked children and lambs in gardens. It's way too up there for me, I take a look around and open every single door and even the fucking bathroom is fancier than most homes in the north west and east. Nope, I'm just a rich south person.

But I eventually find it and my stuff.

My stuff has been set up already, I look and see in my new closet. I see dresses, poodle skirts, and weird shirts. My parents blow money on me so it looks like they care, they give me at least 500 a week so I can take care of my self and be out of their hair.

So instead of buying fancy shit, I buy jeans and t-shirts. It's always a White V-Neck with black skinny jeans black ray bans and black converse every day. I look at my clock, it's 9:00. I have school tomorrow, yes I go to school. They send me to school so I don't have to be around them.

*next day*

"Have a nice day at school sweetie!" My mom fake smiles at me. They bought the most overpriced Ferrari like ever, everyone is staring. Probably because my father owns a car company and my mom is a lawyer, so they get the best cars and the Ferrari is a new model and not even on sale for another 2 years. Everyone looks at my appearance, white v neck t shirt with black jeans, and Ray bans getting out of a fancy car they've never seen before.

People try to talk to me and wanting to know stuff about the car but I ignore them, walk in, and find my first class, I take a lot of notes and get out, I do that for the rest of the day. I skip lunch, I don't feel like eating. The only class I'm looking forward to is music class, everyone says that's the blow-off class but I love it. People in the past have said that they don't like my styles music but it's pretty cool and a new sound. People call it 'the devils music' but, music is music.

The room is crowded when I walk in and a lot of the people are just hanging out and talking on the choir bleacher stand things, but whatever.

My eyes catch sight of a guitar, a Gibson... I have a Mitchell guitar but it's no where near as good as a Gibson. It looks old too, that means the sound quality must be amazing, the Steele strings and the wood, I think that's Spruce wood on the top and mahogany on the sides so it starts off as a crisp sound and then the richness of the mahogany makes a deep filled sound, oh my god, I want to play that baby so badly. My hands are starting to shake, well shit.

"Hello class, you know how this goes I write answers on the board you write them down in your notebooks and you don't fail out of my class-" he stops himself from talking but no one notices, his eyes land on me and he looks me up and down while I look at his hands, they're rough and calloused. He's been playing guitar for a while now... I wonder if that gorgeous Gibson is his...

"Who are you?" I note that he has a raspy voice, maybe from singing? His laid back fashion choices, he seems cool. "Elliot Evans sir." He looks surprised when I called him 'sir'.

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