Chapter 2

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Elliot's POV

"Is she going to be okay?" "Is she dead?" "She's hot." I wake up after that last comment, I'm on a couch and I see a lot of boys hovering over me.

"Guys, give her some space" a short tan kid with black hair and black eyes states.

"Where am I?" This is a really nice house, better than mine.

"You're at my house." The boy I helped said. Wow, he's really stop. You can't think that way!

"Oh, I'm Ponyboy. By the way." He shoves his hands in his pockets and looks at the ground, like he's expecting me to laugh.

"I wish my name was Ponyboy." He looks up and is surprised. "What? Ok, erm what's your name?"

"Elliot. But you can call me 'El' for short. Oh and Ponyboy, I hope you know that while you were getting attacked. You were yelling for soda, usually people yell for help. Not for a soda."

Everyone Bursts out laughing "no, my names Soda. Soda pop Curtis." He gives me a smile as I return it.

"I'm Two-Bit" "Im Steve" "Im Darry" "Im Johnny" then someone sits beside me. "Hey babe, I'm Dallas Winston, but you can call me Dally" he winks at me. Then I see Ponyboy tense up.

Why would he tense up?

"Umm...most people I meet don't put their arms around me, so if you can take your arm off my shoulder. That would be great."

He puts his arms up in surrender "okay, okay."

I stand up, "I should get going. Nice meetin y'all. Bye." Then I feel myself bein lifed off the ground. "Now lil darlin, we should take you home." Two bit says, then ruffles my long brown hair.

"Yeah, your folks will be worried about you." Darry says...MY PARENTS!!!!

"My parents!!! They're gonna kill me, they're-they're gonna yell at me!" I grip my hair. "Thanks lots, but I have to go. We are all the way up where? East? Shit, thank you so much. But I gotta go. Bye." I gather up all the courage I have, and I kiss Ponyboy on the cheek. Smile at him, look at him long enough to blush. I book it out of there.

I feel a tingle playing on my lips from where my lips made contact with his soft smooth cheek. I smile to myself, I kissed Ponyboy on the cheek. The thought made me smile, he is really cute. I would do anything just to- ELLIOT STOP IT!

You can't think like that, he doesn't like you anyways.

By the time I reach home, it's about 3 in the mornin. I sneak into my house but my mom is sitting on the couch.

"Where the fuck were you?!" My mom yells at the top of her lungs, "I was knocked out, some nice boys th-they h-h-h-helped me. A-and I saved a b-boy from getting killed. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again." I back up into the wall.

"Yeah, I sure as hell will make sure that it doesn't happen again! You horrible bitch, you slut, YOU PROBABLY SPREAD YOUR LEGS OPEN WIDE FOR ALL OF THOSE BOYS!!!! YOU WRE JUST A FAT UGLY LIL SHITBITCH WHO MURDERED HER BROTHER!!! THE PERFECT SON, YOU HAD TO START THE ARGUMENT IN THE CAR!!!! YOU ARE WORTHLESS IDBRATHER HAVE DIRT IN THE PLACE OF OUT EXCUSE OF A DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!" Tears are streaming down my face, all the neighborhood heard. So they all think I'm a slut, they're gonna bully me.m

What's worse is that I know it's true. "I know." I say barely above a whisper. The I feel pain in my abdomen, it's just repetitive pain. I realized my mamas kicking me with her heels, when she finishes I'm lying on the floor covered in bruises.

"Go to your room." She spits at me, I try my hardest to climb the stairs when I reach my room. Th first thing I see is a picture of me and my little brother. Jude.

I burst into tears at the sight of him, "Im so sorry Jude, I'm so sorry. It's my fault you're dead, you were only eight years old!" I cry and cry feeling horrible for what I did. I know im the cause of little Jude's death.

And Ponyboy, he probably doesn't even like me back. I'll have to see him with his girlfriend tomorrow. I cry even harder.

Right now I'm desperate, I don't care that its still summer. I grab my razor blade from my box. I desperately pull my sleeve up and make slice after slice after slice, their horrible words go away. I forget that I'm the reason for Jude's death, i forget that my mom just hit me for the first time.

I forget everything, the deeper I go. The better I feel, I watch as the cuts drip red crimson blood. Thats enough for tonight, I press a rag against my wrists and stop the bleeding and go to sleepin.


When Elliot kissed my cheek, I swear I felt like I was struck by lightning. Then she bolted out of our house, her long brown hair flowing behind her beautifully. Her smile like a summer breeze...I'm just staring at the door where she ran out.

"Oooohhhh Ponyboy, you gonna get some?" Dally asks cheekily.

I blush like crazy, "She's a good kid, she saved you Ponyboy. But-I-I don't know, something seems off about her. When she mentioned her parents, she had this kind of fear. Not the fear that she's gon' get grounded, but like she knew something bad would happen."

Darry comments. I sure didnt notice, I was just admiring her. Her big brown eyes, her shoulder length light brown hair..."Ponyboy!" I snapped my head "What? Huh?" Two bit gets me in a head lock, and rubs my head.

"You like her! I saw the way you was starin at her, yo could stop staring at the door for five minutes. !" I lightly punched him

"Shut up! I don't like her, I just thought she wasn't ugly. That's all. She'd be a good friend." I defend my self.

"Sure. Guys, get some sleep, it's one in the mornin and Pony. You have school tomorrow." Darry commands.

I head to my bed and lay down, dreaming about those big brown eyes

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