Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I wake up in my bathtub, covered in blood. That's right, I fill the bathtub up with water. I decide to take one anyways.

I don't know how long I stay in there for, but I kept singing this line.

"I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed

Get along with the voices inside of my head

You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath

And you think I'm crazy, yeah you think I'm crazy"

I sing that line over and over, I finally decide to get out and I

Look at myself in the mirror, my scars are disgusting, my thighs touch, my eyes are a shit color brown. Cause that's what i am, a small little piece of shit. Dirt is worth more than me.

I get dressed in skinny jeans, white t shirt and a hoodie.

I hear yelling coming from outside. It's Johnny's parents.

"I'd rather have dirt than you!" That's what I barely make out. Then I hear Johnny scream, I burst out of my house. Then burst into Johnny's house I see a horrific sight, Johnny's father beating him with a cane. I lunge forward and take the hit for Johnny, JESUS!!! That hurt, I protect Johnny's body with mine.

I grab the cane and throw it out of his fathers hands. "You will not hit him!!" I yell at his father, I can smell booze off of him from a mile away. I push him into a wall and that's enough to make him pass out.

"Johnny? Are you okay? I'm gonna take you to the Curtis'" he's about near about to pass out.

I get him on my back, and start out of the house. Not wanting to be in this house anymore.

Thank god they only lived two blocks away, I sprinted to their house with Johnny on my back. "How ya doin Johnny?" I ask. He mumbles in reply, but all I can get is "thank you."

, "Darry! Soda! Pony! Steve! Anyone! Help!" I yell from their yard. Then a group of boys came out, and their faces went white but two bit got Johnny off my back. Then I collapsed to the floor, my back and side hurting from the beating I received from Johnny's dad.

I started to cough, damn. The dirt got in my lungs, I feel someone pick me up. "Hey, Elliot. Come on." I recognize Sodas voice. "No, I gotta leave. You-you're mad at me." I push Soda off of me, not succeeding cause I'm too weak. I try to leave and I stumble.

"No, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for yelling at you, I'm really sorry Elliot." He places me in. Darry's chair. I curl up. "I forgive you. But, I understand if y'all don't wanna see me anymore. I'll just move back with my folks-""We don't want you to leave, none of us do." Soda looks at me.

"I doubt Pony does." Feeling insecure, I cover up my stomach.

"What? He's the one that wants you to stay the most." Soda proclaims. "Doubt it, how's Johnny?" I fall out of the chair and get closer to the couch Johnny's on.

"Hey Johnny. How ya feeling." I ask, he opens his eyes. It's evident that he's still weak. "Thank you, he was about to kill me. No ones ever taken the hit for me, thank you Elliot."

"What-What do you mean, by take the hit?" Pony asks. "Johnny's dad, he was uh. He was beating Johnny with a cane, I heard screams. I ran in and I uh, got infront of Johnny. Before the cane could hit him again, I got him out of the house and kinda. I uh, i knocked out his dad." I look down and play with my hands.

"Wow, Elliot. You are the bravest person I know, I am sorry for walking out if the room yesterday. I'm sorry." Darry interrupts Pony.

"It's fine." I reply

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