Pref #2: You Sing Together

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Ash is driving you to the movies for your first date night since he got back from his tour, you had spent a majority of the drive just catching up and enjoying each other’s company. ”You’re insecure don’t know what for.” you faintly hear Liam’s voice start to sing, Ashton instantly turns it up louder and sings along obnoxiously in an attempt to serenade you. ”Come on (Y/N) I know you know the words, sing with me!” He pleads grinning like a complete idiot. ”Ash I can’t sing I sound awful!” You admit sheepishly, in your opinion you sounded like a dying whale and Ashton was over here being perfect. ‘Bullshit!” He exclaims before he continues ”Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but youuuu.” He sings pointing to you at the end of the verse and you take that as your cue to join in. You hate your singing voice but he’s face looks so adorable you just can’t help but give in, so when the chorus rolls around you sing in unison ”Baby you light up my world like no body else.” 


”It’s going to be okay babe, you probably won’t even feel it.” Cal reassures you squeezing your hand a little tighter. You sigh knowing from the all the videos you have watched that it will most likely hurt like hell because well tattoos are painful. You’re getting a sparrow on your shoulder blade with the lyrics ”Take a breath and let the rest come easy” underneath it in cursive. ”Alright here we go.” The tattoo artist announces and you can hear the purr of the needle starting up. You clench Calum’s hand ”Fuck” you whine as the needle drags across your skin. ”Distract me Cal please.” You beg your eyes starting to water from the pain. ”Sing ‘Dear Maria’ with me, starting at the lyrics your getting?” You nod okay, willing to try anything to distract yourself from the pain. Calum counts you guys off and then you harmonize ”Take a breath and let the rest come easy, never settle down cause the cash flow leaves me always wanting more.”



”Say hi (Y/N)!” Luke instructs you, gesturing towards the camera on his laptop, he was doing a twitcam for the fans in your apartment. ”Hey guys! What’s crack-a-lackin?” You ask laughing at how ridiculous you sound. ”She’s a werido” He whispers jokingly to the camera, you lightly smack him on the back of the head ”I heard that Hemmings!” He chuckles at the way you pretend to be hurt. ”I’m sorry” He says in a high pitch voice poking his lower lip out at you. You can’t help but lean forward and peck his lips. ”Your forgiven.” You tell him grinning ”Sorry for the PDA guys.” Luke gushes he cheeks turning a light shade of pink. You see his eyes roam over the tweets he is getting and you hope no one is giving him a hard time. ”They want us to sing together.” He tells you trying to suppress his smile, you walk over and sit by him on the couch. ”Alright what should we sing?” You ask the fans, it was new to you talking to people you can’t see but you had grown more comfortable with it. ”Oh let’s do that one!” You exclaim, pointing to the tweet that read ”Kids in Love” Luke nodded his head in agreement. ”Ready go”  ”I look back to the one and only summer time and my girl was the envy of every friends of mine, she slept safely in my arms, we were so young and invincible.”


Today was the day you had been waiting for, Michael was coming home from his tour and you guys were finally going to get to spend the night together. You had been cleaning your apartment all afternoon because you wanted it to look like you weren’t a total slob. Right now you’re working on the kitchen and blasting 5SOS because you loved their music. You sang along with Michael’s voice on the track ”She’s a good girl, she’s daddy’s favorite. Save for Harvard and she knows she’ll make it.” You finish belting the last line and take a swig of your water. ”She’s good in school, she’s never truant, she can speak french and I think she’s fluent.” Michaels voice sings but it echoes through the hallways and sounds real. You turn around to see Michael standing behind you, you don’t even have time to form a sentence you just run into his embrace. ” I caught an earlier flight.” He whispers into your ear making your insides feel all fuzzy. Your step back from him ”Well I guess I’ll just have to find someway to repay you now won’t I?” You taunt, slowly lifting your top off with a smirk, as the chorus to good girls are bad girls plays in the background. 


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