Pref #6: When He Finds You Crying

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When Ashton finds you crying he doesn’t question it unless you want to talk about it. He just puts on your favourite movie, makes some popcorn and cuddles you close until you’re ready to open up about it.


You never really cry in front of Calum because it’s almost impossible to be in a bad mood around him so when you do he gets really worried and insists you tell him everything that’s wrong. By the time you’re finished explaining he would always have you in a fit of giggles.


Luke didn’t usually talk about serious stuff so when he found you crying he didn’t have any idea what to do. You could sense his awkwardness as he hopelessly tried to avoid the situation. You didn’t want to annoy him so you let him ignore you but that night he pulled you in close and whispered I love you’s into your neck.


When you cried in front of Michael he would do anything to make you forget it. He’d make silly faces and dance to Katy Perry until you were forced to smile and be happy you had such a wonderful boyfriend. 

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