Pref #18: You're His Opening Act

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Thank you for coming out tonight!" He yelled to the crowd, the whole stadium erupting in cheers. "How about that opening act, eh? Isn’t the lovely (Y/N) (Y/L/N) wonderful?" More cheers. He gestures to the backstage area where you stood watching him, momentarily catching your gaze with his. "Isn’t she gorgeous?!" He asks, and the crowd cheers again, making you blush. He looks over again and throws you a wink, and you smile back. "Luke has a crush on (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" Calum yells quickly into the mic, making the stadium laugh as Luke shot a hard look at him, embarrassment written all over his face. You laugh into your hand as Luke looks at you once more, but instead of denying it like you thought he would, he smirked, pretending to blow a kiss your way. You pretended to catch it, blushing deeply as they began to play their first song on the set list.


"(Y/N/)? Why are you still in here?" Calum asked you, knocking on your dressing room door before letting himself in. You were on for 5 Seconds of Summer’s opening act in fifteen minutes, and you were freaking out. "I don’t think I can do it," You tell him meekly, not able to look him in the eye. "Hey, don’t say that…" He trailed off, sitting down on the couch next to you, his knee touching yours. "I can, I’m just an opening act." You tell him. "Hey, I was once an opening act also." He points out. "Yeah, to the biggest boy band in the world." You say with a scoff, finally looking at him, making him laugh. "Yeah, maybe… But that still shouldn’t stop you. Last night? They loved you. You have fans, (Y/N). They love you. You’re a smart, talented, amazing, bold, funny, sweet, and gorgeous girl. You can wrap anyone around your finger in a heartbeat. So go out there and kick ass, just like I know you can.” He finishes with a grin. “You think I’m gorgeous?” You ask him, smirking. “That’s all you got out of that?” He asks with a laugh, blushing as you caught his incognito compliment.


You never in a million years thought you would be the opening act to 5 Seconds of Summer, but the minute you got the call, you were on cloud nine. You would be with them for their whole five month tour, and you couldn’t be more excited. You found yourself sitting with the band on their tour bus, talking about their performance from tonight. “That was so epic! And the way the whole crowd sang along was amazing!” Michael said, still buzzed from his adrenaline rush from performing. You were seated next to Ashton, and you couldn’t help but feel butterflies when his shoulder bumped yours every once and awhile. “And, (Y/N), you did amazing. As always. I can’t wait until you get big. You’re so talented, we might open for you one day.” Luke told you, raising his water bottle in a toast to you, making you giggle. “Come here, I need to ask you something,” Ashton suddenly told you, grabbing your wrist lightly and pulling you towards the back of the bus. You tried to ignore the hoots and hollers of the other boys as Ashton sat you down on his bunk, pulling the curtain closed behind him. “What do you need to ask me?” You questioned, somewhat confused by his action. “I don’t need to ask you anything. I just don’t like you being all buddy-buddy with them three. I want you all to myself.” He told you, winking at you.


"Thank you so much for having me tonight! It means the world to me that you’re listening. Also, we need to give a big thank you to the wonderful Michael Clifford for being my guest guitarist for tonight!” You told the crowd, and they erupted into cheers, clapping and yelling for both you and Michael. He made a big show of turning to you, bowing and kissing your hand on stage. The crowd laughed as he straightened back up. He begged you for months to let him play guitar for you, and you finally agreed. Throughout your whole set, he flirted and messed with you, and the crowd definitely noticed his motives and intentions. “She’s hot for a singer, am I right?!” He yelled into your mic, and once more there were cheers. “We’re actually thinking of kicking Luke out and allowing (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to be our lead singer.” He joked, winking at you. “Hey!” You hear an offended voice from backstage, and Luke must have had a mic on him, because the whole stadium heard, dying with laughter. “Thank you again!” You yelled, walking off the stage with Michael. “Really though, you killed it.” He told you, putting his sarcasm on hold to be truly sincere. “You’re pretty and talented. It’s like a double threat.”


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