Pref #17: "When You Look Me In The Eyes"

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"I’ve been looking for that someone, I’ll never make it on my own. Dreams can’t take the place of loving you."

As soon as he saw you, Michael knew he had to have you. He saw you out with your friends, laughing, habing a good time, and he immediately knew. As cliche as it sounded, it truly was love at first sight for him. For you, not so much. You had just gotten over a break-up, and you wanted nothing to do with boys whatsoever, even extremely handsome, somewhat punk-rock boys. Michael wanted to make you his girlfriend, no matter what the cost, and he was determined to show you that he wasn’t a bad guy. He hadn’t exctly known he was looking for someone, but the more time he spent with you, the more it made sense. He couldn’t be himself without you. You were that one person that made him feel complete. The time he told you this, you giggled and shrugged it off. “Why did you laugh?” Michael asked, clearly hurt. “Our whole relationship is like some cheesy romance movie.” You said, leaning back on his couch. “So, what? There’s nothing wrong with cheesy.” He pouted, crossing his arms. You shrugged, averting your attention back to the T.V. “Okay, (y/n), I’ve given you everything you asked for. You wanted space? You got space. You wanted time, I gave you time. But I’m done waiting for you to tell me that you love me, because I already know that you do. You’re just too chicken to admit it.” Michael huffed, turning to face you. Your eyes widened and you pulled your knees up to your chest. “The truth is, (y/n), there’s no way I’m moving on from you. I don’t care if you ever want to date again, but I’m in love with you, and I am going to make you mine one day, no matter how long it takes. You’re one of the best things that has happened to me, maybe ever and-” he was cut off by your lips crashing onto his. “Mhmm…” he mumbled, pulling you closer to him. “I love you,” you breathed.



"When you look me in the eyes and tell me that you love me everything’s alright, when you’re right here by my side"

You heard a huge commotion from downstairs. It sounded to you like something was being broken. You rushed down the stairs, but immediately came to a halt when you saw glass shards all over the floor. Thankful that you had shoes on, you carefully made your way around the kitchen to see Calum throwing down a vase. “Calum!” You shouted in disbelief. He turned to look at you, sadness in his eyes. “Everything’s ruined, (y/n).” He said quitely, tears leaking out of his eyes. You hurried over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. “Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay, tell me what’s wrong…” You said, leading him over to the couch. You said down and he followed the suit. He finally looked over at you and his heavy breathing ceased. His facial expression changed dramatically, and he seemed to relax slightly. You took his hand and looked at him questioningly. “When I look at you… you calm me down. You make me feel like everything is going to be okay.” He breathed, kissing you softly. “Calum, I love you, okay? Everything is going to be okay. We have each other, you have the boys. We’re going to be okay, okay?” He nodded, looking back down at you. “How did I get you?” “Huh?” “How did I get someone as amazing as you to be my fiance?” “Calum…” “No, I’m serious. I don’t know how, but you always know exactly what to do for me, and when to do it. It’s like you can read my mind or something.” Calum sighed. You shrugged and snuggled into his chest. “I love you, Calum. I just want what’s best for you.” You said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 



"How long will I be waiting to be with you again? I’m gonna tell you that I love you in the best way that I can."

Only a few hours. Slightly over a few hours. That’s when Ashton would be able to see you again. He didn’t leave your relationship on the best of terms. There was a lot of fighting before he left, and when you came to the airport to say goodbye, you hadn’t been able to get through security to see him. He stared out the plane window, over your hometown, trying to think of the most perfect way to apologize, to tell you how much he loved you. “Okay, what if I said… no, no that’s too cheesy…” Ashton grumbled. “Okay, you need to stop.” Michael said from the seat next to Ashton. Ashton burried his head in his hands. “I don’t want to mess this up, Michael. You know how rubbish I am with words.” “But you love her, right?” Michael asked. “More than anything else in the world. I swear, Michael, I couldn’t last another day without her with me. She makes me happy when I think no one else can, and she drives me crazy in ways I didn’t even think were possible.” Ashton sighed, looking out the window. “And you said you were rubbish at this?” Luke asked in disbelief. Ashton heard Michael pretend to sniff and he turned to face him. “I’ve been replaced.” Michael pretended to cry on Luke’s shoulder. “Oh, shut up!” Ashton laughed. “No, if you go and tell her what you just told me, she’ll have to take you back. If you guys were even broken up in the first place?” Ashton beamed, looking back out the window. Only two hours and six minutes. That’s how long he had to wait to see your beautiful face again.  



"When you look me in the eyes I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise when you look me in the eyes…"

It was late, and Luke was late, again. It was so unlike him to stay out so late, but for some reason, he had been. You had fallen asleep once more, waiting for him. Luke got home at around 3 in the morning. He called for you a couple times, but obviously you didn’t answer. He saw your sleeping body on the couch, sligtly shivering from the cold, causing him to smile slightly. A pang of guilt hit him in the stomach as he walked over to you, slipping in behind you and pulling you close to him. You stirred in your sleep. “Luke…?” You mumbled groggily. “I’m here, go back to sleep.” He whispered into your hair. You turned to face him with an angry expression. “No, no, no, no. You stayed out till three in the morning, again! I try to respect your privacy but I’m so tired of this.” You sighed, avoiding his gaze. “Hey… look at me.” Luke said, and you looked up at him from under your eyelashes. All of his body language changed. His expression softened and he pulled you closer to him gently, as if you might break. “Luke…” “(Y/n), please, I love you so much. I can’t loose you.” He whimpered. “Who said anything about loosing me?” You asked quietly. “I just can’t, okay? I need you.” His voice cracked slightly, causing your heart to ache. “Luke, I love you so, so much. I’m not going anywhere.” You whispered, looking at his chest. “Look me in the eyes,” Luke said, and you did. He smiled tentatively. “Your eyes are like my heaven.” He murmured. “Have I ever told you that?” “No,” you giggled. “But now that you have, I’m never going to let it go.” “Fine with me,” Luke sighed, resting his head on top of yours. “I love you, (y/n).” “So I’ve heard.” You giggled once more, snuggling deeper into his chest,


So this one's a song preferance. (When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers)

CREDIT: whitegirlhemmo on Tumblr

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