Pref #9: How He Is With Your Little Sister

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Your grandmother was suppose to take your little sister to see a movie, so you decided to invite Ash over seeing that you would have the house to yourself. But your grandmother came down with the flu so you were stuck with a hyper five year old. ”Hey babe I’m here.” Ashton announces as he strolls into your house without even knocking, something that had become so natural to you both. ”Are you (Y/N)’s boyfriend?” Your little sister demands to know looking up at him. ”I’m sorry my grandma was suppose to take her, I know you don’t want to be stuck babysitting with me, you can leave if you want.” You explain, talking extremely fast like you always do when you get nervous. Ashton just smiles at you before he squats to your sister’s level ”Yes I am! My name is Ashton, what’s yours?” Your sister looks at him skeptically as if she was debating whether or not she answer. ”(Y/S/N)” she says quietly ”Wow that sounds like a princess name! Are you a princess?” He asks in the most gentle voice and you can’t help but smile at how great he is with her.  


”You know you don’t have to come right?” You ask Calum for about the millionth time. He had insisted on coming to your sister’s dance recital and your sister hadn’t been good at hiding the fact she didn’t really care for Calum. You had no clue why he was the sweetest guy you knew, your parents pinned it on her being a rebellious thirteen year old. ”I know but I want to be there to show I support her…even if she hates me.” He states simply, you grab his hand and walk into the theater. You sit for a few minutes watching the other dancers before she finally walks onto the stage for her solo. She dances stunningly, you can see all of her ballet lessons had paid off.  She walks off the stage and you run over to her throwing your arms around her  ”You were amazing!” She smiles still breathing heavily from dancing. Calum walks up moments later with a bouquet of flowers, you glance at him wondering where on earth he had gotten them but he just grins. ”You know after watching you dance I think I might quit my band to become a dancer, that totally kicked ass!” Calum informs her handing her the flowers, your sisters is taken aback ”Um wow thank you so much Calum, they’re gorgeous” 


Your parents had invited Luke over for dinner and you were really nervous they would say something to embarrass you. Right now you were watching TV with him on the couch waiting for your parents to finish cooking, while your three year old sister played with her barbies on the living room floor. ”Relax babe” Luke whispers in your ear sensing how nervous you are. ”You whispering in my ear like that doesn’t help me calm down it just makes me horny.” You whisper shout back to him, he arches his eyebrows at your comment ”It’s a shame your parents are here or else I would just throw you down and -” he starts to seductively explain but your little sister interrupts him. ”Luke! Luke! Play with me!” she demands, you roll your eyes could she have been a bigger mood killer. ”(Y/S/N) Luke is big boy he doesn’t want to play with you.” You answer for Luke ”None sense! I would be honored to play barbies with you.” He tells her surprising you ”Oh I want to be her I like her outfit!” He exclaims ever so child like and you just laugh wondering how you ever ended up with someone so wonderful.


The doorbell rang so you dragged yourself off the couch to see who was there, you were confused when you saw Michael standing on your front porch with his guitar case. ”What are you doing here babe?” You asked baffled, still in your pajamas. ”Well your Mom was talking to me about good places to take (Y/S/N) to get guitar lessons and I offered to do it myself because if she is going to learn she might as well learn from the best.”  He explains with a cocky smirk on his face.  ”Oh.” you state simply ”And here I was thinking you were going to try serenade me in order to get in my pants.” You admit sheepishly, Michael chuckles to himself before asking ”Why would that have worked?!” Michael had been hinting he wanted to do it with you for awhile but you had been ignoring his pleas. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck, and softly kiss his lips ”Maybe.” you whisper as you pull away. He leans in to kiss you again but you put a hand to his lips ”No no Mr.Nice guy you have to go teach my sister how to be a rock star.” You taunt, he looks at you biting his lip ”You’re a bitch you know that.” you just smile at him as if to say ”I know.”

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