Pref #14: When You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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"Mommy, this shirt is itchy." Your three year-old complained, tugging at the hem of his new custom-made pajama shirt you bought for him.

"I know honey, just a little bit longer." You comforted him, holding him on your hip. 

"Daddy should be home any second." You say, kissing little Thomas’ chubby cheeks. 

He began to whine and fuss, struggling to get out of your grip. You wanted this to be perfect-but you and Michael’s first son, Thomas, wasn’t making this any easier for you. 

The timer began to go off in the kitchen, signaling that dinner was ready. You sighed, “Stay right there Thomas, don’t move.” 

As you’re retrieving the food from the oven, you hear the front door open. You try to hurry, but it’s too late.

"Awe buddy, why’re you all alone down here? Where’s mommy?" Michael asks, as he picks your son up, and Thomas whimpers, "M-Mommy made me put this shirt on and it itches." 

You’re standing in the doorway, as Michael is close to tears by the sight of your sons shirt. It says “I’m a big brother!” in big, bold, bright letters.

"Really?" Michael’s eyes lock with yours, as you nod, tears streaming down your face. After months of struggling to get pregnant, you’ve finally done it again. 

"I love you so much (Y/N)." Michael wraps his arm around your waist, and pulls you into the family hug. There’s no better place you and your baby to be would rather be, than in the arms of these two "men". 


 "Go give it to daddy Bella." You urged your two year-old daughter, who smiled, nodding her head eagerly.

Luke had just gotten home from the studio, and was going through his mail. His eyes lit up when he saw you two, and smiled, “There are my two beautiful girls, I was wondering where you guys were.” 

Bella gripped onto the pregnancy test, and flung it at Luke’s feet-instead of handing it to him like the plan-and Luke smirked, smiling in astonishment.

"Bebe, daddy. Bebe." Bella yelped, clapping her two hands together.

"You’re…you’re pregnant?" Luke asks, taking Bella into his arms. You nod, "I found out this morning…are you mad?"

Without any warning, Luke crushes his lips against yours. Bella continues to play with Luke’s tie, smiling and giggling. Although she doesn’t truly understand, the situation, she can sense the happiness in the room.

"(Y/N), are you kidding me? I’m the luckiest man in the world." 


"Honey, are you feeling sick again?" Your husband Ash asks, knocking lightly on the door. 

Instead of the usual hunched over the toilet and throwing up your insides position, you’re sitting on the edge of the bathtub, smiling down at the pregnancy test in your shaky hands.

"Sweetheart, please let me in. I’ll hold your hair for you!" He compromises, and you put on a "sick" face, and slowly open the door.

"Is it throw up again?" Ash asks, as you lean your head against his shoulder "tiredly" and hand him the positive pregnancy test, asking lowly, "I can’t read this thermometer. I think I have a fever. Can you check?" 

"Of course baby, let me-." His voice goes silent when his eyes lock on the positive sign, and his jaw drops slightly, "Really?" 

You smile, nodding eagerly as you jump into his arms and cover him in kisses. He’s smiling uncontrollably, and you can’t help but tell you’ve never seen Ash this happy-happy enough to drive him to tears. 

"I love you so much (Y/N)…and our little drummer boy." Ash teases, kissing your lips softly.

You pull away, teasing, “Who says it’s going to be a boy?” 

"I can just feel it…he’ll be just as awesome as me. I’ll teach him how to take selfies together and-." You cut him off, playfully slapping his chest, "Don’t get ahead of yourself Ash." 


"Baby, why’re you taking me to the beach? It’s the middle of January, you’re going to catch a cold." Your husband of two years defends his whines by putting it on you. 

"I won’t get a cold, I have ten layers on. Now will you hush and let me talk?" You ask, as you place him right where the sunset is in perfect view. 

You hold his two hands, and slowly get down on one knee. He looks at you in concern, “(Y/N), not here, are you crazy?” 

You roll your eyes, “Shut up and let me talk!” 

"Okay okay…" Cal speaks uneasily.

"Ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. I knew that it wouldn’t get any better. After five years of friendship, I realized that I couldn’t live without you. When we first kissed at Luke’s party and we played spin the bottle and all of the boys jumped out of the circle so I had to kiss you…I knew I wasn’t letting go of you. You’re my best friend, my husband, my lover…now my question is, will you be a father?" Tears stream down your cheeks, as Cal’s lips widen, "Y-You’re pregnant? R-Really?" 

You nod happily, as Calum lifts you up from  your knee and twirls you in a small circle. He places you down, and brings you in for a passionate kiss. Without any hesitation, he smashes his lips against yours. 

"I love you, (Y/N). And I’ll never stop. Thank you for everything, I can’t wait to be a father to our little miracle."

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