Chapter 13

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Dear, Preacher’s Girl
I am going to be honest hear and say I do not understand your kinds way of living, but before you take offence to that I am trying to understand. You see my daughter told me that she was a lesbian and I did not react the way I should have, in fact I reacted in the worst possible way, I just didn’t know what to say and now I don’t know how to approach her. Please can you give me some advice? If I was your father what would you want me to say to you?
Sincerely, Ed

Dear, Ed
First of all, it shows exactly how much you care about your daughter by coming here and asking for advice. Secondly I don’t take any offence, I didn’t even understand any of this at the beginning but eventually you will.
I am sure you did not react that bad. When my father found out he kicked me out of the house and my mother had to convince him to let me stay until I had to leave for college, the entire time I was home he did not speak or look at me once. That was a bad reaction, I’m sure you were just shocked.
If you were my father, I would want you to first of all say that you are sorry for not reacting in the way I wanted. Then say that you still love me and don’t care that I’m gay. Say you respect my choice of living and just want me to be happy, then I would want you to hug me and tell me you love me and nothing is ever going to change that.
Love, The Preacher’s Girl

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