Chapter 15

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Dear, The Preacher’s Girl
First of all, my mind is blown, little Charlotte O’Connor is The Preacher’s Girl. I don’t know if you know this but I actually met you when I was a lot younger. My father was meeting up with your father, and you were just running around outside playing with your friends, I never imagined that little girl would grow up to help with a cause like this. You have grown into such a wonderful person Charlotte.
You are very right when you say that I didn’t expect that you ever had the chance to say “I love you” to Alex, but I am glad that you did get that privilege. I understand what you mean about not being able to tell anyone else that you love Alex, you were still coming to terms with everything and weren’t ready, and I am sure that Alex knows that everything you said to her was real. I believe she knows that you love her, she just wasn’t ready either, and college was her escape from reality.
I think we should finish with the letters soon. I can get you a spot on Maria Richard’s Tell all, she owes me a favour and your story is going viral. I think this will be a smart move as people will actually get to see your emotions, and you can finally tell everything, with everyone listening. I know you probably don’t want to be a spokeswoman but now that your name is out we might as well show your face.
What was it like after Alex and you realised what you had just done? Did Jessie and Martha retaliate after you humiliated them? What was Christmas like? (Was Alex with you?) Did your mother or father suspect anything was going on between the two of you? Did you do any of your equality speeches? What plans did Alex and you talk about? What was it like getting your college acceptance letters?
As always it was a pleasure reading your story, Charlotte.
Love, Rolland

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