Chapter 6

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Dear, The Preacher's Girl

What can I say beside your life does not seem as great as I thought it would be. Your father seems like a cruel man that you do not cross. Your friends are liars who do not care about hurting you and to top it all off your hometown seems like a very homophobic place.

I can understand why in the beginning you may have thought you had such a perfect life but in my opinion the truth was clouded and in reality it was not perfect, it was just an unintentional lie you told yourself. You may have thought it was perfect as you just did not want to think that your perfect life meant going against everything you were brought up to believe in. This may have been the reason it took you so long to find yourself.

I can see why you were so fascinated by Alex. She is a very intriguing young women and seems the complete opposite from the people you have described in your town. She is not afraid to be true to herself but also understands that she is living in a community that does not fully understand her and her lifestyle.

What did you do about Jessie? Was he actually cheating on you with your best friend or was it just a misunderstanding? How did your apology with Alex go? Did you and your father make immense? When did you realise that you liked Alex as more than just a friend?

Please try and answer my above questions.

Before I forget I have some great news for you. People have begun sharing your story as once I have edited it I post it on my website, it has begun to have gotten lots of attention and who knows maybe it will go global and Alex will see it. Even if Alex does not see it though, you have helped a terrific cause and you should be proud of yourself.

It does get better Charlie, I promise.

Sincerely, Rolland Marks

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