Chapter 14

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Dear, Rolland Marks
I would like to start this email off a little different from our previous ones. In an email from Annabelle Wright I promised that I would unveil myself, and I intend to keep that promise. My name is Charlotte O’Conner, and my father is Pastor Richard O’Connor. I will still sign off the same but I just wanted to keep my promise.
I shall get through all your questions I this next email, as the next big part of my story starts 6weeks after my last email. I know what you are thinking how can it take that long for a first date, and my answer to that is when you have a father like mine you tend to be very busy. I also know what your second question is going to be, how did I manage not to see Jesse and Martha until then, the answer is I did see them I just managed to avoid talking to them until then.
Alex and I were working in the gym, trying to get everything organised for the winter formal which was only one hour away. We had basically everything done but the food stall set up, which was to be done by Jessie and Martha, that’s right they were on the dance committee, and as head of the committee I made them in charge of food and drink so I would not have to see them but sadly my luck was bond to run out.
“Charlie we should probably run to the girls’ locker room to get changed before the dance starts,” Alex smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the locker room. We were already in are dresses but we wanted to spend some time together before the dance and our makeup was still in the locker room. I was wearing a tight baby blue dress that was longer at the back then the front. Alex was wearing a beautiful elegant white and red bodycon dress.
“So what now?” I smiled locking the door behind me. “Oh we could read, or talk or…” Alex kissed me pushing my back against the wall. My hands wondered, moving as my lips moved, as my tongue moved, as we moved. Alex slowly kissed my neck, and as her lips moved lower down I began to realise what was happening. I suddenly pulled away and Alex quickly took my hand. “Charlie you don’t have to pull away, if you are not ready then we can wait. I don’t mind waiting. I…” I cut her off at that moment because I was afraid then I finally said, “I just don’t think I am ready to, I want to but I am not ready.” Alex nodded and kissed my forehead ever so lightly and before we knew it we had to go back to the gym, but not before fixing our makeup.
We held hands all the way back until we reached the gym door, then my let go and walked in together letting only the tips of our fingers touch. I looked over at the food table, which was perfectly set and realised I had to go over and thank two people that I was still very angry at. I didn’t even have to tell Alex what I had to do, she knew, and she followed me. I didn’t even feel nervous as I approached them, mostly I think because Alex was beside me.
“Martha, Jessie thank you for doing such a good job with the food and drink, it looks lovely,” I even managed a half convincing smile. “No problem,” Jessie mumbled in surprise at the fact I had not kicked him. “Charlotte, I just want to say that I am so sorry about all of this and how it all happened, my last intention was to hurt you, we just didn’t know how to tell you. We didn’t want to hurt you,” Martha pleaded. “Don’t be sorry,” I smiled. “I mean if I had of found out then I would still be with a boy I never loved, hence why I never slept with him, and I would still be best friends with a backstabbing bitch. Everything happens for a reason. Because of you I am actually happy and friends with someone who actually cares about my feelings, so thank you Jessie and Martha for showing me your true colours and enjoy your life,” I smirked and turned around just in time to see the swarm of people in the gym who heard everything and were applauding.
As soon as the music started the crowd broke away and everyone started dancing. “So may I have this dance,” I smiled taking Alex’s hand and dragging her off to the dancefloor. “Do I even have a choice,” Alex smiled wrapping her arms around my waist. We swayed, moving as one for hours, when we finally stopped it was time announce the fall King and Queen. Martha stood on stage with the envelope with the winners in it. “This year’s Winter King is the our very own quarterback Jessie.” Jessie went up to the stage and knelt to be crowned, he said no to doing a speech. “Now it is time to crown our Queen. The winner and this year’s Queen is.” Martha opened the enveloped and took a breath. “This year’s Queen is our president, cheer captain, debate leader, journalist and so much more. Our Queen is Charlotte O’Conner.” I could see the bitterness in Martha’s eyes as I knelt and was crowned before her. “Would you like to say anything,” she muttered.
I stood in front of everyone, mic I hand and let my heart begin to pour out. “A few weeks ago my heart was broke, actually broke isn’t the proper word seeing as I never actually loved him. Anyway after all of that humiliation and betrayal I never thought I would be okay, but thanks to my very good friend Alex I am doing fine. Actually I am doing great. I am happy and finally enjoying myself without having to tiptoe over big egos like Jessie’s. I just want to tell everyone as your Queen, if you ever meet someone like Jessie run for the hills because there is absolutely nothing fun about dating a boy with the personality as a brick.” Everyone cheered. “Oh and seeing as you seem to like taking things that aren’t yours Martha how would you like my crown, or my dress or maybe my shoes,” I smiled handing Martha the mic and walking away, discarding the king, queen dance tradition.
After humiliating Jessie and Martha everyone left leaving only Alex and I to wait for the cleaning company to finish cleaning up the mess, (we didn’t think it was fair to make the janitor clean up the mess so we budgeted and kept money back for a cleaning company). Alex and I went back to the locker room to wait for them to be done, since we had to lock up, well I had to since I was in charge.
“So this was the best first date I have ever had,” Alex smiled and kissed me lightly. “This was my first, first date,” I smiled then explained that Jessie didn’t take me out on dates. “But I give this one a nine,” I smiled. “Only a nine,” Alex eyed me jokingly. “Is there anything I can do to get a perfect score,” She laughed. “There might be some way you can persuade me,” I bit my lip nervously and kissed her. I wrapped my hands in her hair. I kissed her more and more aggressively and then suddenly my hands were on the zipper of her dress and I felt a rush of nerves overwhelm me. Alex put her hands on mine and kissed them. “I love you Charlotte O’Conner, you are my very own Preacher’s Girl.” I looked at her shocked but somehow my heart managed to speak for me. “I love you too,” I smiled and suddenly my dress was off and we were doing something I’d rather not explain.
I know you probably thought I never actually got to tell Alex that I love her, but I did, I was able to tell her that I love her, I just wasn’t able to tell other people because I was afraid and my nervous got the better of me. If Alex was with me at this very second then I would tell her exactly how I feel, I would tell her what I wanted to say the day I lost her.
To answer some of your previous questions, no I don’t think anyone expected that me and Alex were an item, in fact no one ever actually expected, our lies just caught up to us.
Alex and I never actually had a fight as a couple until our last day, we argued and screamed and she stormed off, packed up her college stuff and drove off to New York (which we always talked about visiting and exploring.) She drove off to get ready for the start of college (we both got accepted into NYU, but I only left home last week and now I’m in New York, I guess I needed time to try and mend what was broken. I still need time.)
All the change actually wasn’t too bad, what was bad was finally being happy and comfortable with myself and then suddenly lose all of that all at once, it was like a tornado came and destroyed everything I cared about.
The rest of your questions I feel I have answered, and if you don’t think so I shall answer them when the time for them to be answered comes.
Love, The Preacher’s Girl

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