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The last part is... retainers!

Retainers are clear molds of your teeth that you wear for a certain amount of time. These retainers are not like they used to be. They are just clear plastic molds that fit just for you! Not the huge, metal contraptions that they used to be.

Retainers are different for everyone. You could have them for the top, bottom, or both. You might have to wear them day and night for a certain amount of time, or just night for a certain amount of time. For me, I have to wear them every night for the rest of my life.

Sounds awful, no? It's really not that bad. It's comfortable enough to sleep with, and you just take them out in the morning.

Cleaning them is a little tricky. The water you use has to be cold or warm, but not too hot or it'll melt the retainer and you'll have to get it remolded! You also cannot use a toothbrush to scrub on it because you could scratch it. My orthodontist told me to use my finger and put some toothpaste on it, then clean it like that. 

Your orthodontist may also schedule another appointment with you to check on your retainer after a while. 

If you grind your teeth while you're wearing your retainer, that might be a problem. You will probably need your retainer to be replaced after a while, but that could be expensive after having to get one after another. I don't have personal experience with this, but I have a friend who grinds her teeth, and they gave her a thicker retainer so it lasts.

So take care of your retainer, and wear it for however long you need to! Even if it's every night. 

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