Eating Foods

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When the braces stop hurting, you're ready for normal foods. Eating will still be different, you can just eat more. You can't eat anything too chewy, sticky, or hard. I know that a lot of people have questions about this. After all, I have braces, and a lot of my friends are, and they ask me questions a lot. So most of this page will be devoted to giving examples on foods you CAN and CANT eat.

You CAN eat the following foods: any of the soft foods, any drinks, noodles, chopped up fruit, pancakes, waffles, spaghetti, sandwiches, ham, eggs, toast, bacon, cake, hot dog, hamburger, cupcakes, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, french fries, gerilled chicken, chicken wings, poptarts, soft shell tacos, subs, strawberries, donuts, salad, oreos (very caerefully), watermelon, m&ms, gravy, milk shakes,

Things you CANT eat: nuts, hard meat, full fruit, suckers, lollipops, gum drops, gum, hard candy, anything that's hard and frozen (ice cream and Popsicles are a different matter), pizza crust, any thing that is hard to chew (has to be cut if you are going to eat it), cereal, hard shell tacos, onion rings, any candy with nuts,

I will continue this list as I go along. I might update it later. For now just stick to things in this catigory.

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