chapter eight

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its friday and rachel is on her way to meet sebastian they have decided on going to a leisure centre in westerville they plan om having fun in the indoor swimming pools and the water slides.

rachel is feeling slight self consious about him seeing her in a bikini but she tries to but it out of her mind.

as she pulls into the parking lott she ees him stood by his car he had seen her and is now walking over to her car. as she gets out of it he reaches her and hands her a bouqet of  pink roses before givign her a little kiss.

" thank you the roses are beautiful" rachel said

" i thought for a moment then you werw thanking me for kissing you" he chuckled

" well thank you for that too" rachel said

"actually i dont think that kiss was appropriate"sebastian said

"it was great"rachel said slightly baffled

"im sebastian smythe i dont do great i do earth shattering lets try again" he said and pushed her gently against her car and kissed her she kissed back he deepened the kiss rachel was lost in and when they broke apart she had no idea how long they had been stood there.

" now thats more like it come on" sebastian said taking her hand after she put the roses in her car and got her bag out which he carried and then led her inside the centre.

" my treat"he said as they reached the reception

" but..." rachel said

" but nothing im paying thats final" he said

" but..." rachel said again

" ooh this is gonna be fun we seem to be having a power struggle rachel just submit to me" he saod winking at her causing her to blush as they were still at the reception desk. once he had paid they made their way to the changing rooms.

" well i shall see you through  by the pools babe" he said giving her a quick kiss.

rachel went into the ladies changing rooms and got ready she felt nervous been in her bikini especially ss the rule of the centre was you had to shower in the changing room before you went through and the water was cold hence she walked out with her arms crossed over her chest. she saw sebatian looking round then he sew and smiled at her as she walked pver to him she noti ed his eyes trail pver her body.

" you okay"he asked as she remained covering her chest

"yeah shall we get in"rachel asked pointing to the pool

"sure"he said he went to take her hand but she wouldnt move it

" rachel whats wrong" he asked

" well its just" rachel said

" ah i see the mens cha ging rooms werent the only ones with cold water" he said with a grin rachel looked away embarrassed after all the fin  had left her for quinn so she felt unattractive.

"could you not look"rachel said

"okay rach listen to me okay im a guy do you hear me a guy and im seventeen there is no way im not gonna not look but trust me you have nothing to worry about i think your beautiful and whats the big deal a few weeks from now i might be kissing them so dont worry"sebastian said

" now come on lets get in" sebastia. said offering his hand rachel removed one of her hands and tuck his hand while keeping the other one covering herself as thry walked to the side of one of the pools.

"this one is heated"sebastian told her.

they was a geounp stood near the steps so sebastian let go of her hand and jumped in and then indicated he would help her in. rachel sat dosn on the edge and he placed his hands on her waist and lifted her in to the pool.

as rachel was about to say something sebastian cut her off by kissing her again his arms snaked round her waist keeping her close to him.

" right then miss berryshall we go down the green slide its a two person on i think it will be fun" sebastian asked

" sure" rachel said and they both swam over to the other side of the pool to get out and head to the slide. it had figure eight inflatables rachel had to put her arms over sebastians legs. rachel screamed her head ff as they hurtled round the slide he was mainly lauhing at her screams as they reached the end whoch was a small pool rachel looked athim and he had a huge grin on his face then she realised her bikini top had moved and one of her breasts was on show. rachel sorted herself out while sebastian walked and stood infront of her at first she wondered what he was dojng but then saw a group of bo6s walking ast he was trying to cover her.

"thank you"rachel said

"oh no thank you"he said she was embarrasssed but found herself laughing

they spent another hour in the pools and rachel had a good time she found herself relaxing around him after all her trust in men had been broken by finn but she felt sebastian was different.

afterwards they got some chinses and sat in his car eating it they talking about a lot of things and rachel realised not once did fin orvquinn or any of the bullies cross her mind while she had been having fun with him.

he drovw back to the centre for her to get her car and they stood having a lenghtly make out session by her car before saying goodbye.

he watched her drive away with a smile on his face.

as rachel arrived home she looked at her phone he had text her

hey babe i was to busy
snogging you to ask
you of you wanted to
do something tommorow
come to dalton and we
will plan something
thats if your free

rachel replied

i would love to come
to dalton tomorrow
is 11ish okay see you
then and thank you
for the roses and
i hd a great time

he replied

so did i rach and im
glad about tomorrow
11ish is fine see you
then babe xx

rachel could help but smile to herself for the first time since fin cheated she didnt get into bed crying she got into bed with a huge small on her face.

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