chapter eleven

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its monday and rachel is at school its lunchtime and she has started bringing in a packed lunch to save herself from having to face the cheerio bitches in the dining hall. she is sat in the choir room eating when fin walks in she feels uncomfortable after all if quinn was to walk in it would be her who got into trouble not him.

"hello rach "he said rachel merely focused on her lunch and didnt reply

" so i was wondering if you might want to go see a movie sometime " he asked rafhel couldnt help but look at him puzzled.

" no" rachel said

" oh come on rach it will be fun"finn said

"no it wont"rachel said

"i wont tell quinn" finn said

" its not that i just dont want to if you must know im seeing someone " rachel said

" no your not" finn said with a chuckle

" yes i am" rachel said.

" really then who" finn asked rachel regretted saying anything

" its none of your buisness finn but i will say this he makes me happy and feel special two things you failed to do" rachel said

"i know your pissed at me after all you went of with meerkat to try to make me jealous that proved how angry you were with me"finn said

"just leave" rachel said

" wait is that a hickey" he asked moving closer and seeing her neck

" yes it is" rachel said

"so your sleeping with him whoever he is" finn said

" for the last time finn its none of yoyr buisness" rachel said packing her lunch away and getting up as she started to walk out of the room finn grabbed her and kissed her rachel pushed him away and ran out of the room.


rachel was at home sebastian was coming round to hers rachel felt bad about finn kissing her she wasnt sure what to do should she tell sebastian or not she didnt want to lie she knew what it felt like to have your lover lie and she didnt want to do that to him.

"hey"he said as he walked into her room and pulled her into a cuddle

"hey"she said

"your dad hiram let me in"he told her before they kissed

"you alright you seem quiet"he asked

"well promise you wont freak out but today at school i was sat in the choir room alone eating lunch when finn walked in he asked me out i said no naturally but as i was leaving he grabbed me and kissed me. i dont know if i did right telling you but i didnt want to keep secrets from you"rachel said

"no im glad you told me"he said he looked annoyed and angry but when he met her eyes his expression softened

"i didnt kiss him back i pushed him awsy"rachel said

"i know that i trust you but i am gonna have to speak to him" sebastian said

" but then he will know" rachel said

" if he doesnt he will keep hitting on you and i cant  have that" he said

" but we said i would be bullied if it got out " rachel said starting to freak out

"dont worry i will take cars of it now lets not waste another moment on that idiot" sebastian said

they laid on her bed watching tv and kissing.

the next day

rachel had plans with kurt to meet at the lima bean and as several warblers would be there sebastian would be okay to sit at the same table as her.

as rachel arrived kurt had already gotton her coffee for her so she went and sat down blaine trent sebastian and wes were already there along with kurt.

" hello rachel" trent said

" hi" rachel said looking round the table as she looked at seb he winked at her

kurt was telling them all about a jacket he had seen at the mall when in walked quinn and finn sebastian tensed up rachel could tell.

rachel saw quinn go to the ladies room so finn walked over to her

"hey rach"he said rachel looked the other way

"oh come on babe"finn said

"dont babe her " sebastian said.

"shut it smythe it has nothing to do with you"finn snapped

"yes it has" sebastian snapped back

"oh really why" finn said

" because she isnt your babe is she you shagged a cheerleader behind her back by the way that is so  clique" sebastian said

" yeah but we will get passed it we were good together "finn said

"you dating quinn" kurt said

"yeah but i would end it for rach"finn said

"i think i can speak for everyone at this table its too little to late you dont deserve her and she doesn't deserve to be treated the way you have done." trent said

" finn" quinn yelled as she stormed over

" dont even think of stsrting on her she hasnt said a word to him its all him we saw it all and heared it all" sebastian said

" this is so typical of you man hands we all know how worthless you are so you run off and seek friendship in our enemy " quinn said

" you think she is worthless your delusional my mom always said that a woman as to have weapons to get through life such as beauty brains charm wit and a consious now your pretty i suupose but rachel as everything i just said you should take carw of your looks quinn because thats the only weapon you have" sebastian said

" how dare you speak to me like that" quinn yelled at him

" im sorry i must have missed the email stating we all had to bow to you" he said

" you cant say anything your a dick"quinn snapped

"maybe but i choose to act like that it isnt all that i am i am loyal and caring and i look out for people that matter and i think all of us warblers will agree rachel matters you wannbe be prom queen not meann a flying fuck to us so if you dont mind whybdont you and you big oaf of a boyfriend  leave us to enjoy our coffee because that scrowl on your face is starting to curdle the milk" sebastian said

quinn stormed out and finn soon followed

"that was quite a speech"kurt said

"well i feel every passionate about it"he said

"why dont we all go to mine and hang out"trent suggested


at trents sebastian led rachel throught to a room way from the warblers and they began to make out

" kurt was right that was some speech" rachel said getting emotional

" i meant every word of it" he said as he held her

"thank you"rachel said quietly

"what was that " sebastian asked

"i said thank you" rachel said

"oh thats a hame i thought you cant wank me"he said with a grin which rachek matched.

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