chapter two

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when sebastian woke up he was still thinking about rachel wondering how fin could hurt her like that sure rachel was annoying but she wasnt a bad lerson she was sweet and kind he loved finn it was clear to everyone she thought he was out of her league and when they had begun dating she was so happy and for him to hurt her by cheating on her with a girl who always made rachel feel ugly was unforgivable.

sebastian showered and got ready he was going to see  if he could see finn and give him what for he left dalton and as its saturday he had all day to track down the bastard.

he drove over to the lima bean first afterall no day began until he had his coffed only as he walked in he heared crying and saw rachel sat with kurt in tears. he went and got his coffee firat then decided to surprise himself even. ore than them by pulling out a chair and sitting down at their table.

" come to gloat" kurt asked

" what i think your forgetting i rang you for you to see if she was alright" sebastian said he didnt like kurt he irrated him.

"thats true im sorry" kurt said

"i should think so anyway rachel why are you still crying over him he doesnt deserve your tears he aint worth it" sebastian said

"i cant help it"rachel said

" you should slap him"sebastian said

"ah typical violence is your answer "kurt said

"im not talking about hitting him hard i mean a nice slap across his face to show him your not a push over and that you wont just accept been treated like this you need to stand up to him rachel"sebastian said

"and why do you care"kurt said

"well i hate finn anyway and i might be an asre at times but what he has done is down right wrong a d he shouldnt be lst off with it" sebastian said

" i slap him quinn will slap me"rachel pointed out

"then give her a good slap back"sebastian said

" look its not really about slapping thwm but you need to let thsm know your not impressed with it and let people know you wont be treated like that otherwise it could happen again if people think you will stand for it" sebastian said

as the door opened and in walked fin thankfully he was alone and he walked ovwr to them with a grinnon his face though he was shocked to see them sat with sebastian.

" hey babe" finn said going to give rachel a kiss

" wait hold on you havent spoken to him have you" sebastian asked

"no" rachel said beofre she started crying again

" oh babe you okay is it him thats upset you" fin asked pointing at sebastan who felt the rage within him he stood up.

" no its not me fin its you amd tnat cheap slut you had dinner with last night while rachel here was waiting lone in the park for you." sebastian said

" rach dont listen to him" finn said sebastian saw shw flinched when fin tried to touch her he was happy about that though he didnt know why.

" save the bullshit you prick i tuck a photo of you with her i went to make sure rachel was aldight after all like i said she was alone on the park i showed her the photo so dont bother saying oh its him he is lying becuase she knows the truth" sebastian said

" rach i can explain." fin said

" i dont want you too explain it finn i want you to get out of my sight" rachel yelled

finn got up and left giving sebastian a funny look before he did.

" still think you should have slapped him" sebastian said rachel xluldnt help but smile at that which he was pleased about.

"right then diva come on its time for the fazing to begin first new hair cut then so e knock out outfits plus shoes then back to mine for a barbra marathon with ice cream" kurt said

" oh kurt that sound wonderful but i know your just trying to get rid of my jumpers" rachel said with a smile

" well he is right they should go you should wear more figure hugging outfits show off what you have got" sebastian said rachel gave him a funny look so did kurt while sebastian sat there wondering why he had said that.

"come on then" kurt said they both got up.

" thank you" rachel said to sebastian as she left.

sebastian sat finishing his coffee wondering why those two simple words had made his day. ould it be he had a thing for the pint sized diva surely not but he had to admit seeing her up close ahe was cwrtinly easy on the eye.

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