Polar Lights

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Thanks to a certain winter spirit it was another snow day and yet another snowball fight had broken out. And of course it wasn't time for winter, but the people in the town where use to snow days, thanks to the white haired teen.

The kids kept throwing snow balls at the winter spirit as he dodged with ease and returned fire on them.

"Jack Your Not Playing Fair!"

Jamie laughed trying to hit him.

"Hey, not my fault you can't fly!"

He said flying above the kids and landing on the other side throwing more snow balls.

It had been a 5 years since the guardians had defeated Pitch and everything had been pretty peaceful. Or at least Jack had thought that until he saw the northern lights flash through the sky, Jack frowned and gripped his staff.

"What's wrong Jack?"

Jamie said noticing something was wrong.

"I... I gotta go..."

He said to the kids, he flew up and waved goodbye to the kids and they waved back. He flew high above the clouds and towards the North pole.

On the way to the North pole Jack saw tooth and flew up to her,

"Hey Tooth, how've ya been?"

He asked getting her attention,

"Oh Hey Jack!"

She said happily, "I've been fine, you?"

"I've been good, so what do you think North's calling us for?"

He asked frowning, Tooth frowned as well, but smiled soon after,

"I'm sure its nothing too serious" she reassured him.

They both landed at the workshop window and a yeti let them in,

"HAHA Tooth, Glad you could make it!"

North said hugging Jack,"Long time no see Jack!"

"What's up north?" Jack chuckled. North set him down and smiled,

"Been good!"
he said slapping Jack on the back.

"So what's this meetin about Mate?"

Bunny said popping out of his rabbit hole.

"I would not know, Manny's the one who called forth for it" he said as the moon light shined into the work shop.

"Old friend, now that we are all here what is emergency?" North asked the man in the moon, in the moonlight a shadow resembling pitch appeared.

"What!? Pitch!" Jack shouted nervously and angerly.

The shadow then transformed into someone else, someone Jack didn't recognize. Sandy made a "!?" with his sand and looked to the others.

"Whats Eve got to do with this!?" Bunny shouted.

Next to Eve's shadow Pitch's appeared, then it showed Pitch had been freed by Eve. Then the moon light disappeared leaving them all puzzled.

"Why do you think Eve would release pitch for? "Tooth asked north.

"I don't know but it probably has to do Halloween... the time of the year children are both happy and frightened at the same time..." North said coldly,

"Who's Eve?" Jack asked.

"Eve is the Spirit of Halloween, though, no one knows that. She came I say about 110 years ago may be." Bunny said scratching his ear,

"So no one believes in her, and her bats bring Autumn and gives everyone the Halloween spirit" Tooth finished.

Sandy nodded and showed images of bats carrying candy and jack-o-lanterns with his sand.

"I use to love Halloween, but if Pitch is involved with her when its only a few weeks away..." Jack said thinking.

"He's gonna try to make himself stronger, children get scared more easily on Halloween, give him good chance to scare them completely" North said crossing his arms,"And if he gets Eve on his side, there's no telling how ugly this could get..."

"Then the answer is simple, we keep Eve on our side and we kick Pitch back to the shadows where he belongs!" Jack said happily.

"It wont be that easy Frostbite... Eve isn't one to do as told, nor does she trust any of the other spirits easily."

"Then I'll just convince her to stay on the path of good"

"I hope your right Frostbite" Bunny sighed,"If not... we're gonna have a lot of nightmares to deal with..."

A/N soo regarding how Eve released pitch idk but in her defense she didn't know who pitch was and or that he was bad till he tried to take over her Halloween. So don't hate her 😭

Hallow's Eve {Rise of the Guardians} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now