Fool me twice

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You What!?" Bunny shouted angerly as Tooth and Sandy held him back as best they could. "How Could You Possibly Lose Her!? What's Wrong With You Frost!?"

"Hey! Its Not My Fault! One Moment She Was There The Next She Wasn't!" Jack yelled back. "Alright! Calm Down Both Of You!" North said stepping between them. "We need to focus on finding Eve, not fighting!"

Bunny and Jack glared at each other and nodded. "Why would she run away like that?" Tooth asked them. "I think that before she became a spirit... she was accused of being a witch who lived in the forest that house to be her town 300yrs ago......" Jack said putting his hands in his pockets.

"So she ran away because she thought she was a witch...?" Bunny asked, crossing his arms. "No... I think she ran, because she thought we wouldn't like her if she really was a witch once..." Jack sighed hanging his head, all of them unaware of the person hidden in the shadows, listening in of them. The shadow smiled to himself and took his leave.

The darker spirit traveled through the shadows searching for the younger spirit, now he knew he could get her on his side, and it would be so much easier now.

Meanwhile in an open field with a single large tree in the middle, is where Eve stood. Her face has light red as she tried not to cry, she walked towards the tree stepping on dead leaves  at her feet. This was the one place she felt at peace when she felt like crying, it always calmed her down. This is were she first woke up, the place she was, in a way, born.

She jumped up to the first branch then the next, and the next, until she was at the top. The tree was big and thick, and so were its branches, the perfect place to sleep outside.

She reached behind her back and her hands traced one of the two rips in the back of her dress, she sighed and looked up at the moon. "Looks like I'm gonna need a new dress..." she sighed again and laid back. ''It can wait though..." she closed her eyes, and sang as the clouds covered the moon casting a dark shadow.

She had a beautiful voice, but the song had no words to it, only tunes and notes. She couldn't remember the words, so she only sang the tunes.

"You always had such a beautiful voice..." Pitch said appearing in front of her. Eve shrieked and fell off the branch which was 100 feet up, she gulped and the leaves burst and flowed around her as she floated to the ground softly. Pitch landed a few feet in front of her and clapped.

Pitch chuckled smiling. Eve shook and held her self as the dead leaves fell around her softly like snow.

Pitch walked towards her and she didn't bother running away, but the fear wasn't about to go away, even though she wasn't as scared of him as before.

The next morning:

Eve walked back and forth in her main room where her lantern was. "Damn it..." she said to herself, pacing nervously. She took a deep breath and walked out of her forest castle and, and took flight. It wasn't often that she'd fly, but she needed soon fresh air.

The sun was just barely coming up, she loved the way the cool air felt as it flowed around her, it made her tingle.

Then her conversion with Pitch last night came to mind, and she frowned hand shoved deep into her pocketsand gripping a strange bottle.
She didn't want to think about that now.

Spotting a small clearing with a small lake in the middle, she decided to Land there.

After a while of peaceful silence, Eve was about to head home when she heard a voice, one she knew all to well, and loved to hear.

She turned to face the white haired teen as he grabbed the dark spirit by the shoulders harshly.

"Where The Hell Did You Go!?" he shouted making her flinch, "Do You Know How Worried I was!? I Though You Had Ran Away!" his harsh tone scared her, and she felt like crying.

"I'm sorry..." she said looking down,"I got upset... and just needed time to think... I was going to come back... I promise..." Jack sighed and kissed her nose softly. "Its ok... I'm just glad your ok..." he wrapped her arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. Eve blushes and slid her hands into her hoodie pocket and gripped the bottle...

Last night...

Pitch gently touched Eve's  shoulder and she looked up at him, 'I really do care for you eve... I have ever since we first met... do you remember...?"

Eve didn't want to answerer, but she did, it was one of the few secrets she though she had locked away and forgotten, but now that it was in her head again, she feared that Jack and the others would find out.

A few days after Easter, Eve had found Pitch locked away in that hole, week and hurt badly, she took pity of him, and taken him back to her forest, and for four an half weeks she had nursed him back to health. He was of course grateful, but she hadn't talked much to him, only made sure he was getting his strength back.

But she now had mixed feels about doing that, more then she had before. "I was very grateful for what you did for me..." he said to her and held her hand slipping the bottle into her hand,"But I doubt The Guardians will feel the same... once they find out, and trust me they will... do you really think they'll care for you...? Or will they abandon you...?" he whispered into her ear. Her eyes widened and she thought about it for a moment.

"If you want to join me... the black sand in the bottle will help, but weather you use it or not is your choice..." he pulled her into a hug, which would surprise anyone. Eve sighed, her mind went blank, and she did what she always did at times like this...

She pretended like nothing was happening, and before she knew it, he was gone, and she was back in her forest. But the bottle was still in her hand, she wanted to shatter it, but all she could do was grip it till it hurt. That's all she did with the bottle...

Eve rested her head on his shoulder, and could feel her emotions start running wild again, so she pretended like nothing was happening, like she always did, and the emotions went away... but she could fell the bottle in her hand, and her hand hurt as she gripped it.

'I hate myself..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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