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Third pov

Her hand slipped into his and the moment their skin touched she jumped back all the way to the other side of the room, her eyes wide and filled with terror. She gasped for air, trying desperately to breath, and shake the sand off her.

"Oh dear... looks like I still have black sand on my hands... poor thing..." he said walking towards her. Eve clinched the wall behind her and lets out a shriek of terror, calling, begging for Jack to come help her. All she could see were images flash before her eyes, terrifying images, she screamed louder alerting everyone. Pitch leaned forward and reached out to touch her, which only scared her more.

And without warning a strong gust of wind sent Pitch through the room window, Eve flinched and slid down to her knees and was so close to crying she could already taste the warm salty tears that over flowed her eyes.

She had never been so scared in her life, and her vision was so blurry, all she could see were shapes and colors as a fight against Pitch broke out. The tears stung her eyes as the overflowed and soaked the top part of her dress. She felt a hand touch the top of her head and made her flinch.

"Ssh... Sssh... its ok, its ok... your safe" she heard Jack cooed to her, his strong arms wrapped tightly around her bringing her close. And at that moment nothing else mattered, all that mattered was that Jack was there, and she was in his arms. His body was so cold, but Eve was use to the cold, her trees didn't really keep out the cold in winter.

She nuzzles the crook of his neck and cried hot tears as she clinched onto him the images still flashing in her head. Jack gently stroked her back allowing her to cry, his heart felt like it was going to shatter, hearing her cry like this. And he wasn't going to forgive Pitch for making her cry like this.

And somewhere deep down, Pitch couldn't find it in him to forgive himself either.

Eve could finally cry, after such along time, all the tears were finally let out, and she couldn't stop crying, until she was all cried out, and wanted to sleep.

Jack gently picked her up careful not to wake her, as the others gathered around them both.

"Why would Pitch scare her like that...?" Bunny asked confused, "It could of been that he didn't mean to"

Sandy made a some gold sand form in his hand, "Sandy has a point, just like touching his dream sand puts kids to bed and gives the good dreams, same thing goes for Pitch's black sand." Jack said looking at the sleeping spirit in his arms.

"Then I guess we have our work cut out for us" Bunny said happily. "What do you mean?" Jack asked him.

"Well now she's too scared of him to join up with him, so we don't have to worry, or put up with her"

"Which means, she can go back to  Hallow's Grove , and we can focus more on out jobs, and do a lot of less worrying" Tooth said agreeing.

Jack looked back at Eve as she slept, they were right... all they had planned to do is assure Eve wouldn't team up with Pitch before Halloween, and then they planned to just go back to they're jobs, and not worry about her or... have any reason to be anywhere near her after wards.

Jack let out a sigh and carried her to the room he was staying in for the time being, he gently laid her down and laid next to her. She looked so peaceful asleep, she looked like an angel, instead of a dark spirit. The winter spirit pulled her close and hid his face in her light blond hair, to his surprise her arms wrapped around him, he blushed and took a deep breath taking in her scent, she smelled of Autumn air. He loved the was she smelled, how warm she was, and how soft her hair was.

He tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead, his cold lips sent a chill down her back, and the face she made was so cute, it made him blush more. It was his job as a Guardian to protect children, so what made Eve so much more different, that he couldn't protect her before and after Halloween? He wondered.

Jack looked at her, and felt his stomach tie in knots, but it wasn't a bad felling, and the way his heart beat sped up, it made him feel so warm. He gulped hard and leaned closer to her face, he could feel her warm breath, and he licked his lips. His moist soft lips brushed against her warm soft one and locked her in a gently kiss.

He had never kissed anyone before, it was really nice, and she was so warm too, he almost didn't want to pull away. He gently kissed her forehead once more and tucked her in. She started to stur and her eyes opened a bit, and looked at Jack sleepily, "Jack...?"

"Sssh... its ok.. go back to sleep..." he said stroking her hair, she closed her eyes and was out like a small candle. It took awhile but jack finally got to sleep too and nuzzled close to her.

The next morning Eve put her hair back with the hair pins Jack had given her, and today he was going to take her to meet some of his friends. She was a bit nervous, hoping her appearance wouldn't scare the kids if they started believing in her.

During breakfast, while everyone was eating, Jack walked through the kitchen snatching a bag of cookies for later, and walked to Norths office. He opened the door and slipped in and out in no time, and whatever he had in his hand he put it in his pocket.

He walked back into the dinning hall to find Eve eating pancakes drenched in syrup, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream. He chuckled and sat next to her, "Have enough sugary stuff...?" he asked getting some bacon and eggs. She elbowed him and smirked a little and ate her pancakes, he poured her some chocolate milk, which she downed in a flash. She'd never had chocolate milk, or pancakes before.

After breakfast Jack took her hand and lead her outside. She shivered and hugged herself, the wind was blowing hard, Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out North's snow globe "Burgess Town" he said shaking the snow globe. A portal opened, and Jack wrapped his arms around her and flew in holding onto her tight.

When they came out the other side to Burgess Town, Eve held on tight not wanting to fall, even though she wouldn't get hurt if she fell. He flew over the Town looking for his friend Jamie, who was the first person he had told Eve about. It sounded like she would like this boy, and she couldn't wait either.

Jack had his friends in sight and flew down to them, luckily they were in his forest, so no one would see them talk to Jack and Eve, if they could believe in her that is. The kids waved to him and her waved back and landed in front of them.

"Jack!" a brown haired boy, who she guessed was Jamie ran up to Jack going right through her, even after 300 yrs, it still hurt. Jack ruffled his hair, "I know you can't see her, but I want you guess to meet someone, she's a friend of mine, and just like me, for 300 years no one has seen her." Jack said to them.

"What's her name?" one kid asked happily. "Her names Eve, she's the spirit of Halloween, and Halloween is also her birthday"

"The Hallows Grove Witch?" Jamie asked, "What?" Eve asked him even though he couldn't hear her. "What do you mean by Witch?" Jack asked him.

"In class we're studying folklore and there was this witch who use to live there a long time ago" Jamie explained, "They said, that 300 yrs ago, a young witch names Eve Hallow lived here, she casted spells and made potions, and that she got her magic by selling her soul to the devil, but when she refused to give him his payment he burned her whole Forest with her in it. "

"W-wow..." Jack said a little startled, "that's weird... right Eve?" he asked turning to her, only to find that she was gone. "Eve?" he looked around as a fluffy white feather fell to the ground where she once stood.

Jack said goodbye to the kids and flew off to search for Eve, leaving Jamie feeling a little guilty. But after hours of searching, he had no luck, and the sun was going down too, so her returned to the north pole to tell everyone the bad news.

Hallow's Eve {Rise of the Guardians} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now