The Plan

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Third Pov

None of the Guardians thought it was a good idea for Eve to go back to her home, so North set up a bed for her in one of the empty rooms. But Eve hadn't said a word since the incident with Pitch, instead she stared at the moon as she had done many times before since she woke up.

"Manny... I don't understand... why..? Why me...?  Why did you choose be to be the spirit of Halloween and fall?"

The Man in the Moon didn't answer, he never did. Tear filled her eyes, and she silently cried. Jack who had arrived moments before, had heard her words, and it brought back the pain he felt when he asked the Man in The Moon a similar question. He sighed and knocked on the door frame getting her attention.


"Hey..." she said as he walked over, Jack slumped down next to her on the bed. "So Eve... if there's something bothering you... or you feel alone... come find me ok?" Eve looked at him, "I promise... I listen... I'll talk with you... and I'll be here for you."

"Why would you go to such lengths for me?" she asked not understanding, "Because Eve... you're my friend... And I know what it's like, to no be believed in...To not know what your purpose is...." he slowly leaned over and kissed her nose, his lips were so cold, almost colder then ice. "And besides even if no one else believe in you, I'll always will."

Eve blushed and felt like she was going to cry, Jack looked her in the eye and smiled, Eve smiled back happily. The darker spirit reached into her pocket and smiled, "Jack, close your eyes and hold out your hand, ok?"


"Just do it..." she chuckled rolling her eyes, with a huff Jack closed his eyes, he opened one and she flicked his forehead. "Hey! No peeking" she laughed. "Fine..." he kept his eyes closed as Eve took a necklace out of her dress pocket. She ran her fingers over the smooth surface of the glass snow flake and smiled, she placed the necklace in his hand and gently pecked his forehead.

Jack opened his eyes and looked at his hand seeing the necklace. "What's this?" he asked. "Its a necklace I made for you in the work shop, its to thank you... for being my first friend..."

Jack thought it was a bit girly but excepted it with a smile, he wrapped  it around his wrist and slipped his sleeve over it "Thank you"

"Oi! You love birds ok!?" Bunny said laughing and surprising them both. Jack picked up his staff and shocked him with his ice lightning, Eve giggle as the rabbit made a funny sound as he was being shocked. "And to think... I came to call you two to dinna..." he said as smoke came out of his mouth.

After Bunny was able to move they went down to the dinning hall, and while everyone ate Willow just stared at the food. It had been 300 years since she actually ate something other then Halloween treats. She wouldn't even know how to eat "real" food, or how to use a fork and knife. "What's wrong Eve?"

"Uum.. do you guys have any sweets? Like chocolate or candy apples?" she asked hopfuly. "You can have sweets after dinner" Tooth said sounding like a mother, "But that usually is my dinner...," she said sheepishly.

"Try some candied ham or some Turkey with cranberry sauce its just as good" Jack said offering her some. "I don't know how to use a fork and knife..." she blushed and everyone tried to hold in a laugh.



After an awkward and embarrassing dinner Eve curled up under the covers to sleep.

"Poor little Eve..."

"Pitch..." she said getting to her feet,

"You don't quite fit in with them do you...?"

"What does it matter to you...?" Eve summed  her scythe and looked for him.

"I care about you Eve... I've said it before... your like a daughter to me, and I couldn't care for you more, even if you weren't​ my own..."

Her heart was racing and her palms were getting sweaty, "Don't be scared Eve... I wont harm you... I could never hurt you..." his voice was gentle but she still didn't  trust him.

"SHOW YOURSELF!!" she said slightly panicking as she looked around the room, unknown to her as black sand was slowly gathering around her feet and upper her legs.

Pitch stepped out of the shadows with a nightmare by his side. "I know how lonely you've been Eve........ and how even the animals have treated you... but my nightmares will love you, just as I will..." he held a hand out to her, his words making they're way into her heart like poison.

"Come with me Eve... We'll be a family... just you and me... we'll make people believe in us... and we'll always be together... my dearest little Eve......."

What was going on inside her, Eve would never know, but, she wanted to believe him, and trust him at that moment. Her small ghostly hand reached out to his, she was shaking, and her throat was dry, She wanted to be believed in, but more then anything, she wanted a family, a father...

And with The black sand nearly covering most of her body and slowly creeping up to her face.

Her hand slipped into his............

To be continued...

Hallow's Eve {Rise of the Guardians} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now