North pole

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Eve's POV

"Hey Eve!" North's voice bellowed scaring the dark spirit, "You Want Tour Of Work Shop!?"

I gave him and small nod and Jack helped me up.

"You're going to love it, they've got every toy here, its pretty cool" He told me as we walked through the work shop, and passed a few yetis making toys.

"I thought the Elves made the toys...?" I said curiously as we passed some.

"Yeah I thought the same thing but, Apparently we just let them think that..." Jack said laughing.

I notice a few electrocute themselves, "I see why..." I said.

"Hey Eve, wait here, I'll be back in a snap!" Jack said suddenly jumping over the edge. I did as told and watched a Yeti paint some toy rockets green, he was already done painting at least 20.

"I don't like it, paint them blue with red stripes" Santa said.

The Yeti made a complaining noise and it slammed its head on the desk,

"Hey Hey, its ok, I'll help you" I said feeling pity for the yeti.

Picking up a paint brush and some blue paint. The Yeti smiled and we both started painting. The whole time we were painting, my hair kept getting in my face and some of it even got paint on it.

It took nearly 20  minutes, but we managed to finish repainting the rockets. With a gust of wind  Jack flew back up with a small present in his hand, it was black with a red ribbon. "Here..." he said handing it to me,

"I know its early... but Happy Birthday..." he smiled and i blushed taking the little box.

"North told me.. that Halloween was the day you became a spirit... so..." he scratched the back of his head.

I untied the ribbon and opened the box,  gazing upon two beautiful hair pins. They were light blue with white dots, and at the ends were small snow flakes. Jack reached into the box and pulled them out.

"Stay still..." he said and he pinned my hair back with them.


I  looked at Jack and hugged him,

"Thanks Jack"I said smiling softly. Everyone was being so nice to her, and after such along, of being in the dark, and your only friends being bats who stayed awake for a few days, it was nice.

And Jack, having him be so sweet to me made me feel like there was still a chance children would believe in me.

"You shouldn't be fooled by them Eve"

Everyone in the work shop could hear the cold voice as it echoed and the globe was being covered by black sand. "Pitch..." Jack hissed as he pulled me  behind him.

"My My Jack, your a play boy aren't you... just like every other female spirit, you've managed to freeze ever Eve's dark heart."

"Eve, I'm surprised at you... allowing them to trick you so easily..."

I glared at pitch anger filling me. "The only one who's ever tricked me was you!"

"Quit hiddin Ya Blood Coward!" Bunny also yelled angered.

"Ooh, looks like the Rabbit got his little cotton tail in a twist!" Pitch said mockingly, making Bunny really mad. "Oh Eve..." He said softly.

"I was only trying to helping you..." he said gently, "But just remember the pain these people will cause you will be worse then what I could have done. Then you'll see the bright side... of the dark side..."

Jack growls,"Over My Dead Body She Will!" that just made him laugh. "Oh... I can promise that this year's Halloween Party will be killer..." the sand disappeared, and the danger was gone... for now.


AN/ short I know and I'm sorry for the few who reads this book 😅 just been busy with life and what not, I'll try to update not regularly 😅

Hallow's Eve {Rise of the Guardians} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now