Chapter 21

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Authors Notes:
-This chapter is a shorter than my other one, I know.  Everyone gonna want me to update soon after this, I will. This chapter  has a lot of touch, and romance words, so I don't want to continue. Lets  take some time and just enjoy the romantic part.  

The good thing is I got home safely. Once I got inside, I locked all the doors, and windows, in fear that something bad might happen to me. For the first time I don't feel safe being home alone, I need someone with me. The only person who came to my mind was Jang-mi. I tried calling and texting her, but she didn't answer. "She must be busy with work, since she is a nurse", talking to myself. It was about an hour before 8pm, at that moment, someone rang the door bell. I jumped out of my seat, I didn't want to walk toward the door. but then it rand again. Then I heard a bang and a familiar voice, "Hwa-Young its me Taehyung. Open the door for me".

I was so happy to hear Taehyung voice, I ran to the door open in. There he is, standing soak wet. "What happen to you?", I said in shock by his wet clothes.

He smiled at me, "I fell down and the sprinklers went on". He looked at me, "Can I come in?"

"Huh, yeah sure", I mumble. He enter the house, I slowly closed the door, "What are you doing here?", I asked. he ran to the couch, took a big seat jump, "Ah, I feel much better", he laugh.

"Taehyung, what are you doing here?", I asked once again. Walking toward him, at this point, I'm about five step away from him. He reach out, grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. I fell over, he grabbed on to my waist. " Jang-mi contact me. She said you didn't feel safe being alone, so I came instead of her", he smiled. Looking at his beautiful, sweet smile, deeper into his eyes, my eyes move down to his lips, and back up to his eyes. He sat there smiling, "Let go", I said. Moving his hand away from my waist, he pulled me even closer, our lips almost touching. He lead forward, but I flinch my head away. Looking away, his lips slowly touching my ears, "Why, why are you avoiding me", he said.

His voice was soft and low, he repeat, "Why are you avoiding me?"

I turned my head to face him, he slowly grace my head and are lips touch. His soft lips on my gloss lips, he wouldn't let me go, with my eyes close, all I could think about, 'I want time to stop. I want to stay like this with Taehyung forever'. he slowly release, are lips apart, his forehead leading on mine, I open my eyes. Taehyung slowly spoke, "I knew you were my Jane. I knew it".

As I heard those words come out of his mouth, I looked at him. I was still on his lap, I try to get off, but then he forcefully pull me. He wrap his arm around me, leaning his head on my shoulder, he whispered, "Hwa-Young, don't leave me. I miss you, I miss you so much", he began to tear. The though of him searching for me, I began to tear up. I can feel his tears on my shoulder, as he cover his face behind my shoulders. I turned to look at him. I lift his head up, there he was staring eye to eye, I gently wiped his tears, he closed his eyes and then open it again, "Taehyung listen to me. I'm not your Jane. I'm Hwa-Young".

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